- Georgy Adelson-Velsky
- Howard Aiken
- John Conway
- Robert W Floyd
- Margaret Hamilton
- Alan Kay
- John Kemeny
- Brian Kernighan
- Donald Knuth
- Thomas Kurtz
- John McCarthy
- Peter Norvig
- Robert Sedgewick
- Bjarne Stroustrup
- Alexander Stepanov
- Ken Thompson
- Linus Torvalds
- Niklaus Wirth
- Blogs
- Mikhail Donskoy: Programmer’s course of life (in Russian, 2008)
- G.Booch. John Backus (2013)
- J.Schiefer. Larry Wall (2013)
- S.Tempus. Programmers at work: Interviews with 19 programmers who shaped the computer industry (1989)
Georgy Adelson-Velsky (Georgii Adelson-Velskii) was a Soviet and Israeli mathematician and computer scientist. He began working in artificial intelligence and other applied topics in the late 1950s. Along with Evgenii Landis, he invented the AVL tree in 1962 – the first known balanced binary search tree data structure.Beginning in 1963, Adelson-Velsky headed the development of a computer chess program at the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics in Moscow. His innovations included the first use of bitboards (a now-common method for representing game positions) in computer chess. The program evolved into Kaissa, the first world computer chess champion.
- An interview with Georgy Adelson-Velsky (in Russian, 2002)
- G.M.Adelson-Velsky, V.L.Arlazarov, A.R.Bitman, M.V.Donskoy. Computer plays chess (in Russian, 1983)
- Georgy Adelson-Velsky – Wikipedia
- History of informatics: Howard Aiken (in Russian) – Informatics and education 6, 3 (1994)
- H.Lewis. Harvard Mark I computer
- Inventing Game of Life – Numberphile (2014)
- D.Knuth. Robert W Floyd, In memoriam – Stanford Lecture (2002)
- Robert W. Floyd. The paradigms of programming – Communications of the ACM 22, 455 (1979)
Margaret Hamilton was director of the Software Engineering Division of the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory, which developed on-board flight software for NASA’s Apollo program. She has published more than 130 papers, proceedings, and reports, about sixty projects, and six major programs. She coined the term “software engineering”, stating “I began to use the term software engineering to distinguish it from hardware and other kinds of engineering, yet treat each type of engineering as part of the overall systems engineering process”.
- M.Hamilton. The language as a software engineer – ICSE (2018)
- Margaret Hamilton – Wikipedia
Alan Kay is best known for his pioneering work on object-oriented programming and windowing graphical user interface (GUI) design. At Xerox PARC he led the design and development of the first modern windowed computer desktop interface. There he also led the development of the influential object-oriented programming language Smalltalk, both personally designing most of the early versions of the language and coining the term “object-oriented”.
- A.Kay. The computer revolution hasn’t happened yet – OOPSLA (1997)
- Alan Kay – Wikipedia
John Kemeny is best known for co-developing the BASIC programming language in 1964 with Thomas E. Kurtz. Kemeny served as the 13th President of Dartmouth College from 1970 to 1981 and pioneered the use of computers in college education. He chaired the presidential commission that investigated the Three Mile Island accident in 1979.
- K.King. The computer and the campus: An interview with John Kemeny – Dartmouth (1991)
- John G. Kemeny – Wikipedia
- Quotes by Brian Kernighan – AZQuotes
- J.R.Mashey. Oral history of Brian Kernighan (2017)
- Questions and answers. Part I, Part II, Part III – Computerphile
- Where
came from – Computerphile - Associative arrays – Computerphile
- The factory of ideas: Working at Bell Labs – Computerphile
- L.Fridman. An interview with Donald Knuth: Algorithms, complexity, life, and The art of computer programming (2019)
- Donald Knuth on P = NP (2014)
- D.E.Knuth. The art of computer programming
Thomas Kurtz was a Dartmouth professor of mathematics and computer scientist, who along with his colleague John G. Kemeny set in motion the then revolutionary concept of making computers as freely available to college students as library books were, by implementing the concept of time-sharing at Dartmouth College. In his mission to allow non-expert users to interact with the computer, he co-developed the BASIC programming language and the Dartmouth Time Sharing System during 1963 to 1964.
- Thomas E. Kurtz – Wikipedia
John McCarthy was an American computer scientist who was one of the founders of the discipline of artificial intelligence. He co-authored the document that coined the term “artificial intelligence”, developed the programming language family Lisp, significantly influenced the design of the language ALGOL, popularized time-sharing, and invented garbage collection.
- J.Mishlove. John McCarthy: Artificial intelligence – Thinking Allowed (1989)
- John McCarthy – Wikipedia
- L.Fridman. Artificial intelligence: A modern approach (2019)
- C.Allison. C++: The making of a standard – C/C++ Users Journal 14 (1996)
- Quotes by Bjarne Stroustrup – AZQuotes
- L.Fridman. An interview with Bjarne Stroustrup: C++
- P.McJones. Oral history of Bjarne Stroustrup (2015)
- A.Stepanov. A.Stepanov introduces Bjarne Stroustrup (2014)
- What is the difference between C and C++? Is C obsolete? (2011)
- Collected papers
- The short canon: A short list of materials for civilizing programmers
- A.Stevens. An interview with Alex Stepanov – Dr.Dobb’s Journal (1995)
- G.L.Russo. An interview with Alex Stepanov
- Programming conversations – A9 (2014)
- Efficient programming with components – A9 (2013)
- Elements of programming – Stanford (2010)
- Transformations and their orbits. Part I, Part II – Yandex (in Russian, 2010)
- Greatest common measure: The last 2500 years. Part I, Part II – Yandex (in Russian, 2010)
- Educating programmers: A customer perspective – Workshop on Quality Software (2012)
- A.A.Stepanov, P.McJones. Elements of programming (2009)
- A.A.Stepanov, D.E.Rose. From mathematics to generic programming (2014)
- B.Kernighan. An interview with Ken Thompson – VCF East (2019)
- R.A.Ghosh. Interview with Linus Torvalds: What motivates software developers – First Monday (1998)
- Linus Torvalds on C++ (2007)
- Quotes by Linus Torvalds – AZQuotes
- W.Cardwell. A talk with Linus Torvalds – Aalto Center for Entrepreneurship (2012)
- Do you see any other language other than C for OS development?
- E.Trichina. Interview with Niklaus Wirth, 1984 ACM Turing award recipient (2018)