This repo is all about collecting bad domains and transcode them into usefull clean data.
This means other processes don't have to do this time after time, wasting CI-Runner time, on doing the same job several times, by cleaning up data first.... That's about it. 😃 â•
These list should be updated every 4 hours at the 54 minute. This means the processed list should be available around 00 minutes.
The optimal way to search through this library of know hosts and domain names
to be blacklisted, is to use the git grep ''
command, that will be using
the git database, rather than searching through the folders (Disk I/O).
A few copy paste lines for extending/limiting the results replayed bit git
No explainer will be added, ass if you don't know these simple grep + Regex, You have something to read up on, before throwing your self into generating/ maintaining blacklists
git grep "${SEARCH}"
git grep "${SEARCH}" | grep -E '(/phis|/phs/)'
git grep "${SEARCH}" | grep -E '(/phis|/phs/)' | cut -d : -f 2 | sort -u