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Good memory handling is an important aspect for any game - leaving too much garbage around can drag down the performance and turn your players away. Addressables are "the right" way to properly manage dynamically loading assets within your game. It also helps tremendously with memory allocation. In this tutorial, you will get an overview of what the Addressable system is, the benefits in using it, and how to dynamically load/unload an addressable.
Here is what you will learn:
- The benefits in using Addressables
- Basic terminology and structure
- How to mark an asset as an 'addressable', instantiate it and load a texture into memory
- How to build your catalog.
Tutorials may work with earlier versions. The version referenced is the on I used.
- You need Unity 2021.3 (LTS) or later to follow along with this tutorial.
- This tutorial assumes you already have basic knowledge of Unity and intermediate knowledge of C#.