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227 lines (175 loc) · 8.48 KB


Pulse leverages Redis streams to provide scalable and reliable event streams that can be used to implement distributed architectures. Pulse provides a simple API to create and consume streams, for example:

Single Reader

The code above creates a stream and adds a new event to it. The event is then consumed by a reader. The reader is closed after the event is consumed.

%%{init: {'themeVariables': { 'background': '#282828', 'mainBkg': '#282828', 'edgeLabelBackground': '#7A7A7A'}}}%%
flowchart LR

    classDef userCode fill:#9A6D1F, stroke:#D9B871, stroke-width:2px, color:#FFF2CC;
    classDef pulse fill:#25503C, stroke:#5E8E71, stroke-width:2px, color:#D6E9C6;

    class main userCode;
    class Stream,Reader pulse;

    linkStyle 0 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 1 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;

Multiple readers can be created for the same stream across many nodes. Readers are independent and each instance receives a copy of the same events. Readers can specify a start position for the stream cursor. The default start position is the last event in the stream.

Multi Reader

%%{init: {'themeVariables': { 'background': '#282828', 'edgeLabelBackground': '#7A7A7A'}}}%%
flowchart LR
    main-->|Add 1, 2|Stream
    Reader-.->|Events 1, 2|main
    Reader2-.->|Event 2|main
    Stream-.->|Events 1, 2|Reader
    Stream-.->|Event 2|Reader2[Other Reader]

    classDef userCode fill:#9A6D1F, stroke:#D9B871, stroke-width:2px, color:#FFF2CC;
    classDef pulse fill:#25503C, stroke:#5E8E71, stroke-width:2px, color:#D6E9C6;

    class main userCode;
    class Stream,Reader,Reader2 pulse;

    linkStyle 0 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 1 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 2 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 3 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 4 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;

Event Sinks

Event sinks enable concurrent processing of a sequence of events for better performance. They also enable redundancy in case of node failure or network partitions.

Event sinks make it possible for multiple nodes to share the same stream cursor. If a stream contains 3 events and 3 nodes are consuming the stream using the same sink (i.e. a sink with the same name), then each node will receive a unique event from the sequence. Nodes using a different sink (or a reader) will receive copies of the same events.

Events read from a sink must be acknowledged by the client. Pulse automatically requeues events added to a sink that have been read by a node but not acknowledged.

Creating a sink is as simple as:

Single Sink

Note a couple of differences with the reader example above:

  • Sinks are given a name during creation, multiple nodes using the same name share the same stream cursor.
  • Events are acknowledged using sink.Ack. This provides an at-least-once delivery guarantee where unacknowledged events are automatically re-queued.
%%{init: {'themeVariables': { 'background': '#282828', 'edgeLabelBackground': '#7A7A7A'}}}%%
flowchart LR

    classDef userCode fill:#9A6D1F, stroke:#D9B871, stroke-width:2px, color:#FFF2CC;
    classDef pulse fill:#25503C, stroke:#5E8E71, stroke-width:2px, color:#D6E9C6;

    class main userCode;
    class Stream,Sink pulse;

    linkStyle 0 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 1 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 2 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 3 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;

As with readers, multiple sinks can be created for the same stream. Copies of the same event are distributed among all sinks.

Multi Sink

%%{init: {'themeVariables': { 'background': '#282828', 'edgeLabelBackground': '#7A7A7A'}}}%%
flowchart LR
    main-->|Add 1, 2|Stream
    Sink-.->|Events 1, 2|main
    main-->|Ack 1, 2|Sink
    Sink2-.->|Event 2|main
    main-->|Ack 2|Sink2
    Stream-.->|Events 1, 2|Sink
    Stream-.->|Event 2|Sink2[Other Sink]

    classDef userCode fill:#9A6D1F, stroke:#D9B871, stroke-width:2px, color:#FFF2CC;
    classDef pulse fill:#25503C, stroke:#5E8E71, stroke-width:2px, color:#D6E9C6;

    class main userCode;
    class Stream,Sink,Sink2 pulse;

    linkStyle 0 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 1 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 2 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 3 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 4 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 5 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 6 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;

Reading from multiple streams

Readers and sinks can also read concurrently from multiple streams:

Multi Stream

%%{init: {'themeVariables': { 'background': '#282828', 'edgeLabelBackground': '#7A7A7A'}}}%%
flowchart LR
    main-->|Add 1|Stream
    main-->|Add 2|Stream2[Other Stream]
    Sink-.->|Event 1|main
    Sink-.->|Event 2|main
    main-->|Ack 1|Sink
    main-->|Ack 2|Sink
    Stream-.->|Event 1|Sink
    Stream2-.->|Event 2|Sink

    classDef userCode fill:#9A6D1F, stroke:#D9B871, stroke-width:2px, color:#FFF2CC;
    classDef pulse fill:#25503C, stroke:#5E8E71, stroke-width:2px, color:#D6E9C6;

    class main userCode;
    class Stream,Stream2,Sink pulse;

    linkStyle 0 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 1 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 2 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 3 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 4 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 5 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 6 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;

AddStream can be called at any time to add new streams to a reader or a sink. Streams can also be removed using RemoveStream.

Remove Stream


Streams supports a flexible pub/sub mechanism where events can be attached to topics and readers or sinks can define simple or custom matching logic.


%%{init: {'themeVariables': { 'background': '#282828', 'edgeLabelBackground': '#7A7A7A'}}}%%
flowchart RL
    main-->|Add 1|Topic
    main-->|Add 2|Topic2
    subgraph Stream
        Topic2[Other Topic]
    Topic-.->|Event 1|Sink
    Topic2-.->|Event 2|Sink
    Sink-.->|Event 1|main
    Sink-.->|Event 2|main
    main-->|Ack 1|Sink
    main-->|Ack 2|Sink

    classDef userCode fill:#9A6D1F, stroke:#D9B871, stroke-width:2px, color:#FFF2CC;
    classDef pulse fill:#25503C, stroke:#5E8E71, stroke-width:2px, color:#D6E9C6;

    class main userCode;
    class Stream,Topic,Topic2,Sink pulse;

    linkStyle 0 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 1 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 2 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 3 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 4 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 5 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;
    linkStyle 6 stroke:#DDDDDD,color:#DDDDDD,stroke-width:3px;

Topics can be matched using their name as in the example above or using complex patterns. For example:


Note: Event filtering is done client-side in the sink or reader and does not affect the underlying stream. This means that events are still stored in the stream and can be consumed by other sinks.


The examples directory contains a number of examples that demonstrate the basic usage of the streaming package.