Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 4 column 51
name: "Aleksander Kurgan"
slack_handle: "@rndm"
github_handle: "@Rand0m0User1"
tutorial: I used this to learn basic matrix layout:
This pcb will house a 3x3 macroboard with a rotary encoder to enable me to speed up workflow whether it be for school or for CAD. It is powered by a pi pico.
My last project cost me $29.63. This project (with a coupon!) will cost $66.15 putting me right around the total $100 budget.
Having watched some of ScottoKeebs' videos in the past, I decided to reference his guide to PCB design for keyboards using a matrix layout. To challenge myself I decided to add a rotary encoder and decided to package it in as small of a config as possible. I will be designing a case for it in Onshape very soon!