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File metadata and controls

47 lines (30 loc) · 2.54 KB


Dependencies and Building

Run yarn install in the project root to install the development dependencies.

You can also package up the extension with

  • yarn global add vsce to get the Extension Manager,
  • yarn install to build the extension
  • vsce package which creates an extension package at haskell-<version>.vsix.

Note: that if you get errors running vsce package, it might help running yarn run pretest directly, since that gives the actual error output of the TypeScript compilation.

Developing inside VS Code

  • Launch VS Code, press File > Open Folder, open the vscode-haskell folder;
  • press F5 to open a new window with the vscode-haskell loaded (this will overwrite existing ones, e.g. from the marketplace);
  • open a Haskell file with the new editor to test the LSP client;

You are now ready to make changes and debug. You can,

  • set breakpoints in your code inside src/extension.ts to debug your extension;
  • find output from your extension in the debug console;
  • make changes to the code, and then
  • relaunch the extension from the debug toolbar

Note: you can also reload (Ctrl+R or Cmd+R on macOS) the VS Code window with your extension to load your changes


prettier is automatically run on each commit via husky. If you are developing within VS Code, the settings are set to auto format on save. The configurations for prettier are located in .prettierrc.

Navigating the Files

A brief overview of the files,

  • package.json contains the basic information about the package, see the full manifest for more, such as telling VS Code which scope the LSP works on (Haskell and Literate Haskell in our case), and possible configuration
  • src/extension.ts is the main entrypoint to the extension, and handles launching the language server.
  • src/hlsBinaries.ts handles automatically installing the pre-built haskell-language-server binaries
  • src/utils.ts has some functions for downloading files and checking if executables are on the path
  • src/docsBrowser.ts contains the logic for displaying the documentation browser (e.g. hover over a type like mapM_ and click Documentation or Source)

Helpful Reading Material

We recommend checking out Your First VS Code Extension and Creating a Language Server for some introduction to VS Code extensions.