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2a2f472 · Mar 4, 2025


This branch is 4 commits ahead of, 31 commits behind microsoft/rushstack:main.




npm install @rushstack/webpack-embedded-dependencies-plugin --save


A webpack plugin for generating a list of embedded dependencies. Embedded dependencies are third-party packages which are being bundled into your released code and are oftentimes subject to license, security, and other legal requirements. This plugin aims to make it easier to generate a list of embedded dependencies and their associated metadata, so they can be analyzed by additional tools.

The plugin also includes the ability to generate a secondary asset which contains the license text for each embedded dependency into a single file called THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.html. This is a common legal requirement when deploying services or products containing open-source code.


// webpack.config.js
import EmbeddedDependenciesWebpackPlugin from '@rushstack/webpack-embedded-dependencies-plugin';

export default () => {
  plugins: [
    new EmbeddedDependenciesWebpackPlugin( /* options */ )


outputFileName: string

Name of the file to be generated. Defaults to embedded-dependencies.json

new EmbeddedDependenciesWebpackPlugin({
  outputFileName: 'my-custom-file-name.json'

generateLicenseFile: boolean

Whether to generate a license file. Defaults to false and will only generate the embedded-dependencies.json file

new EmbeddedDependenciesWebpackPlugin({
  generateLicenseFile: true

generateLicenseFileFunction: LicenseFileGeneratorFunction

Function that generates the license file. Defaults to the plugin's internal default generator function but allows you to override it.

new EmbeddedDependenciesWebpackPlugin({
  generateLicenseFile: true,
  generateLicenseFileFunction: (packages: IPackageData[]): string => {
    return packages
      .map((pkg) => {
        return `<h2>${}</h2><p>${pkg.license}</p>`;

generatedLicenseFilename: LicenseFileName

new EmbeddedDependenciesWebpackPlugin({
  generateLicenseFile: true,
  generatedLicenseFilename: 'custom-license-file-name.html'

Name of the generated license file. Defaults to THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.html but can be customized to any name you want.

packageFilterPredicate: (packageJson: IPackageData, filePath: string) => boolean

Function that allows you to filter out packages that you don't want to include in any generated files.

new EmbeddedDependenciesWebpackPlugin({
  packageFilterPredicate: (packageJson: IPackageData, filePath: string): boolean => {
    return !== 'my-package-to-exclude';



export declare type LicenseFileGeneratorFunction = (packages: IPackageData[]) => string;

Function type that generates the license file.

const licenseFileGenerator: LicenseFileGeneratorFunction = (packages: IPackageData[]): string => {
  return packages
    .map((pkg) => {
      return `<h2>${}</h2><p>${pkg.license}</p>`;


export declare type LicenseFileName = `${string}.${'html' | 'md' | 'txt'}`;

Loose string type that represents the name of the generated license file. The string must have at least one character and must end with one of the following file extensions: html, md, or txt or else you'll receive a TypeScript error.

const licenseFileName: LicenseFileName = 'custom-license-file-name.html';
const licenseMarkdownFileName: LicenseFileName = '';
const licenseTextFileName: LicenseFileName = 'custom-license-file-name.txt';


@rushstack/webpack-embedded-dependencies-plugin is part of the Rush Stack family of projects.