Double-entry bookkeeping involves making at least two entries or legs for every transaction. A debit in one account and a corresponding credit in another account. The sum of all debits should always equal the sum of all credits, providing a simple way to check for errors. The following rules MUST apply:
- An account MUST NOT be overdrawn, i.e. have a negative balance.
- A monetary transaction MAY support multiple currencies as long as the total balance for the transaction legs with the same currency is zero.
- The concepts of debit and credit are simplified by specifying that monetary transactions towards an account can have either a positive or negative value.
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SourceConnector connector = new SQLConnector(SourceConfig.JDBC_MYSQL)
Cryptor cryptor = new AESCipher();
ChartOfAccounts chartOfAccounts = new ChartOfAccounts.ChartOfAccountsBuilder()
.create("CASH_ACCOUNT_1", "1000.00", "EUR")
.create("REVENUE_ACCOUNT", "0.00", "EUR")
.create("CASH_ACCOUNT_2", "2000.00", "EUR")
String secret = "xyzwqerfrt54123dfdfawe-12lklkerSSqere";
Ledger book = new Ledger.LedgerBuilder(chartOfAccounts)
.client("FB_" + "test_user_a", "test_tenant_a")
//Transfer request:
String transactionRef = "my-sales-transaction";
TransferRequest transferRequest1 = book.createTransferRequest()
.account("CASH_ACCOUNT_1").debit("500.00", "EUR")
.account("REVENUE_ACCOUNT").credit("500.00", "EUR")
//Testing TransactionLeg's are valid:
.forEach(leg -> {
boolean assertion = leg.isSignatureValid(secret, cryptor);
String message = String.format("%s is valid: %s"
, leg.getAccountRef()
, assertion);
//Search all Transactions By Account-Title:
List<Transaction> cashAccountTransactionList = book.findTransactions("CASH_ACCOUNT_1");
//Search a Transaction By transaction-reference no:
Transaction transaction1 = book.getTransactionByRef(transactionRef);
//At the end close the ledger book: