01. |
npm install node@14.8.0 |
Install node specific version |
02. |
npm init |
Creates package.json |
03. |
npm install |
Install the dependencies in the local node_modules folder |
04. |
bower install |
package manager |
05. |
npm install -g gulp |
06. |
npm install -g bower |
07. |
npm install -g live-server |
08. |
npm install -g grunt-cli |
09. |
live-server |
Start NodeJs Server |
10. |
npm install -S express |
11. |
npm install -S body-parser |
12. |
npm start |
13. |
gulp develop |
Server Start |
14. |
gulp help |
gulp Help |
15. |
gulp build |
Clean and minification into single file |
16. |
gulp serve |
17. |
gulp watch |
18. |
gulp test:tdd |
Unit Testing |
19. |
gem install sass |
20. |
sass -? |
Help |
21. |
sass --update var_styles.scss |
22. |
sass --watch dir:dir |
Watch for changes |
23. |
npm install -g webpack |
Istall webpack globally |
24. |
webpack |
Run |
25. |
npm -l |
Display full usage info |
26. |
ruby -v |
Ruby Version |
27. |
node -v |
Node Version |
28. |
npm -v |
Node Package Manager Version |
29. |
tsc -v |
TypeScript Version |
30. |
git version |
Git Version |
31. |
webpack -v |
Webpack Version |
32. |
npm install mongoose |
33. |
npm config rm proxy |
34. |
npm config rm https-proxy |
35. |
npm config list |
36. |
npm install firebase angularfire2 --save |
37. |
npm install git+https://github.com/angular/angularfire2.git |
38. |
npm install firebase angularfire2@next --save |
39. |
npm uninstall -g angular-cli |
40. |
npm cache clean |
41. |
npm install -g typescript |
42. |
npm install --save rxjs@5.5.2 |
Reactive Extensions Library for JavaScript |
43. |
npm install express-session |
44. |
node app |
Run app.js file on node server |
45. |
npm install -g jshint |
46. |
npm install express --save |
Install express into local project |
47. |
npm install cors --save |
Cross Origin Resource Sharing --> It allows open api to accessibale by other domains |
48. |
npm install body-parser --save |
49. |
npm install underscore --save |
50. |
npm remove underscore --save |
51. |
npm install ws --save |
Install WebSocket |
52. |
npm install socket.io --save |
Used for creating websocket when browser doestn't support websocket |
53. |
npm install -g mocha |
JavaScript Unit Testing framework |
54. |
mocha |
To run mocha test |
55. |
npm install nock --save-dev |
Use to create mock server for testing |
56. |
npm install rewire --save-dev |
Use for Injecting dependencies |
57. |
npm install sinon --save-dev |
Use to create mock object for test |
58. |
npm install -g istanbul |
JavaScript test coverage tool |
59. |
istanbul cover _mocha |
Run istanbul report |
60. |
npm install supertest --save-dev |
61. |
npm install cheerio --save-dev |
62. |
npm install grunt-contib-jshint --save-dev |
63. |
npm install grunt-contrib-less --save-dev |
64. |
grunt css |
Convert ".less" file into corresponding ".css" files |
65. |
npm install grunt-autoprefixer --save-dev |
Add code for browser dependencies in css |
66. |
npm install grunt-browserify --save-dev |
Create bundle.js combining all files together |
67. |
npm install grunt-contrib-watch --save-dev |
68. |
grunt watch |
69. |
ng add @angular/material |
70. |
npm install -g live-server |
71. |
npm link |
create a symlink in the global folder |
72. |
npm link redis |
link-install the package |