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Table of Contents

A Graph is a mathematical structure defined by a set of vertices V connected by edges E, where the distance from vertex u to vertex v is E[u][v]. A Graph can be directed or undirected. Graph objects support the following methods:



dijkstra(source, trace=False)

Apply Dijkstra's algorithm. Return a dictionary in the form of {u: distance} where there is some distance from vertex source to vertex u. If trace is True, instead return a dictionary in the form of {u: [[source...u]]} where each list in the value is a path from source to u.

Network Delay Time

import collections

def networkDelayTime(times, N, K):
    E = collections.defaultdict(dict)
    for u, v, w in times:
        E[u][v] = w
    time = max(Graph(set(range(1, N + 1)), E).dijkstra(K).values())
    return int(time) if time < float('inf') else -1

Bus Routes

import collections
import itertools

def numBusesToDestination(routes, S, T):
    E = collections.defaultdict(dict)
    for route in routes:
        for u, v in itertools.permutations(route, 2):
            if u != v:
                E[u][v] = 1
    dist = Graph(set(itertools.chain(*routes)), E).dijkstra(S)
    return dist[T] if T in dist and T < float('inf') else -1

Snakes and Ladders

import collections

def snakesAndLadders(board):
    arr = []
    while board:
        arr += board.pop()
        if board: arr += board.pop()[::-1]
    m = len(arr)
    V = set(range(m))
    E = collections.defaultdict(dict)
    for u in V:
        for i in range(1, 7):
            v = u + i
            if v < m:
                if arr[v] == -1:
                    E[u][v] = 1
                else: E[u][arr[v] - 1] = 1
    moves = Graph(V, E).dijkstra(0)[m - 1]
    return moves if moves < float('inf') else -1

Shortest Path Binary Matrix

def shortestPathBinaryMatrix(grid):
    dist = to_graph(grid, color=0, k=8).dijkstra((0, 0))
    m = len(grid) - 1
    k = m, m
    return dist[k] + 1 if k in dist and dist[k] < float('inf') else -1

Shortest Path with Alternating Colors

import collections

def shortestAlternatingPaths(n, red_edges, blue_edges):
    r = range(n)
    V = set()
    for X in r:
        V.add((X, 'red'))
        V.add((X, 'blue'))
    E = collections.defaultdict(dict)
    for u, v in red_edges:
        E[(u, 'red')][(v, 'blue')] = 1
    for u, v in blue_edges:
        E[(u, 'blue')][(v, 'red')] = 1
    graph = Graph(V, E)
    start_red, start_blue = graph.dijkstra((0, 'red')), graph.dijkstra((0, 'blue'))
    answer = []
    for X in r:
        u, v = (X, 'red'), (X, 'blue')
        length = min(start_red[u], start_red[v], start_blue[u], start_blue[v])
        answer += [length if length < float('inf') else -1]
    return answer

Jump Game III

import collections

def canReach(arr, start):
    E = collections.defaultdict(dict)
    for i, x in enumerate(arr):
        j = i + x
        if j < len(arr):
            E[i][j] = 1
        j = i - x
        if 0 <= j:
            E[i][j] = 1
    dist = Graph(set(range(len(arr))), E).dijkstra(start)
    return any(dist[i] < float('inf') and x == 0 for i, x in enumerate(arr))

Time Needed to Inform All Employees

import collections

def numOfMinutes(n, headID, manager, informTime):
    E = collections.defaultdict(dict)
    for i, x in enumerate(manager):
        E[x][i] = float('inf')
    for employee in V:
        for subordinate in E[employee]:
            E[employee][subordinate] = informTime[employee]
    return max(Graph(set(range(n)), E).dijkstra(headID).values())


Apply the Bellman-Ford algorithm. Return a collections.defaultdict(dict) object in the form of defaultdict(<class 'dict'>, {u: distance}) where there is some distance from vertex source to vertex u.


Apply the Floyd-Warshall algorithm. Return a dictionary in the form of {u: {v: distance}} where there is some distance from vertex u to vertex v.

Find the City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance

import collections

def findTheCity(n, edges, distanceThreshold):
    V = set(range(n))
    E = collections.defaultdict(dict)
    for from_, to_, weight in edges:
        E[from_][to_] = weight
    dist = Graph(V, E, directed=False).floyd_warshall()
    return min(V, key = lambda y: (sum(map(
        lambda x: x <= distanceThreshold, dist[y].values()
    )), -y))




Return the number of connected components.

Number of Islands

def numIslands(grid):
    return to_graph(grid, color='1').count_components()

Friend Circles

import collections
import itertools

def findCircleNum(M):
    V = set(range(len(M)))
    E = collections.defaultdict(dict)
    for i, j in itertools.permutations(V, 2):
        if M[i][j]:
            E[i][j] = 1
    return Graph(V, E, directed=False).count_components()


Apply Kruskal's algorithm to an undirected graph. Return a minimum spanning tree MST in the form of a collections.defaultdict(dict) object, where the distance from vertex u to vertex v is MST[u][v].


Apply Prim's algorithm to an undirected graph. Return a minimum spanning tree MST in the form of a collections.defaultdict(dict) object MST.

Cheapest Flights Within K Stops

import collections

def findCheapestPrice(n, flights):
    E = collections.defaultdict(dict)
    for u, v, w in flights:
        E[u][v] = w
    ordering = Graph(set(range(n)), E, False).prim()
    return sum(ordering.values())

Cycle Detection


Return whether the graph is bipartite.

Is Graph Bipartite?

import collections

def isBipartite(graph):
    E = collections.defaultdict(dict)
    for u, x in enumerate(graph):
        for v in x:
            E[u][v] = 1
    return Graph(set(range(len(graph))), E, directed=False).bipartite()

Possible Bipartition

import collections

def possibleBipartition(N, dislikes):
    E = collections.defaultdict(dict)
    for u, v in dislikes:
        E[u][v] = 1
    return Graph(set(range(1, N + 1)), E, directed=False).bipartite()

Ways to Represent a Graph in Memory

Objects and Pointers


Convert a matrix to a Graph. Each node is marked color and are k-directionally connected to its neighbors, where k can be 4 or 8.

Adjacency List

In a matrix, nodes are marked color and are k-directionally connected to their neighbors, where k can be 4 or 8. Given a node at (i, j), return its neighbors.


def updateBoard(board, click):
    i, j = click
    if board[i][j] == 'M':
        board[i][j] = 'X'
    elif board[i][j] == 'E':
        stack = [(i, j)]
        visited = set()
        while stack:
            i, j = stack.pop()
            visited.add((i, j))
            m = len(get_neighbors(board, i, j, color='M', k=8))
            if m:
                board[i][j] = str(m)
                board[i][j] = 'B'
                for u in get_neighbors(board, i, j, color='E', k=8):
                    if u not in visited:
                        stack += [u]
    return board

Traversal Algorithms

Breadth-first Search

Solve the problem:

Given two words start and end and a word list bank, find the least number of transformations from start to end, such that only one letter can be changed at a time and each transformed word must exist in bank. start isn't necessarily a transformed word. All words have the same length.

If trace is True, this method will instead output all transformation sequences from start to end.

Word Ladder II

def findLadders(beginWord, endWord, wordList):
    return word_ladder(beginWord, endWord, wordList, trace=True)

Word Ladder

def findLadderLength(beginWord, endWord, wordList):
    length = word_ladder(beginWord, endWord, wordList)
    return length + 1 if length < float('inf') else 0

Minimum Genetic Mutation

def minMutation(start, end, bank):
    mutations = word_ladder(start, end, bank)
    return mutations if mutations < float('inf') else -1

Depth-first Search


Return a topological sort of the graph. If the graph has cycles, return None.

Course Schedule

import collections

def canFinish(numCourses, prerequisites):
    E = collections.defaultdict(dict)
    for v, u in prerequisites:
        E[u][v] = 1
    return Graph(set(range(numCourses)), E).toposort() != None

Course Schedule II

import collections

def findOrder(numCourses, prerequisites):
    E = collections.defaultdict(dict)
    for v, u in prerequisites:
        E[u][v] = 1
    ordering = Graph(set(range(numCourses)), E).toposort()
    return ordering if ordering != None else []

Flood fill a matrix in-place at coordinate (i, j) with color. Update (i, j) with color. Recursively update all k-directionally connected neighbors of (i, j) of the original color with color.

Flood Fill

def floodFill(image, sr, sc, newColor):
    flood_fill(image, sr, sc, newColor)
    return image

Flood fill the border of a matrix with color, where the nodes are k-directionally connected.

Number of Enclaves

def numEnclaves(A):
    flood_fill_border(A, 0)
    return sum(map(sum, A))

Number of Closed Islands

def closedIsland(grid):
    flood_fill_border(grid, 1)
    return to_graph(grid, color=0).count_components()