Add a scripting section on modifying db graph
Add a scripting section on modifying db graph
Add views section, templates, bulk actions and more export features
Add views section, templates, bulk actions and more export features
add table features, edn data export and task changes
add table features, edn data export and task changes
Add one bullet that also applies to db graphs
Add one bullet that also applies to db graphs
Be explicit about new rows on tables
Be explicit about new rows on tables
mention that history is queryable
mention that history is queryable
add more specifics on web plugins
add more specifics on web plugins
add docs for repeated nodes, changes in page types
add docs for repeated nodes, changes in page types
add header/permalink for importer todos
add header/permalink for importer todos
Add TODO importer items
Add TODO importer items
Organize feature section
Organize feature section
docs for property default values, query filters, importing updates
docs for property default values, query filters, importing updates
mention keyword deprecation for tasks
mention keyword deprecation for tasks
Update docs with recent import options and features
Update docs with recent import options and features
add docs for new tags, gallery view, export, etc.
add docs for new tags, gallery view, export, etc.
tweaks to yesterday's update
tweaks to yesterday's update
Add advanced query option deprecations
Add advanced query option deprecations
add docs for queries, namespaces, commands, nlp refs
add docs for queries, namespaces, commands, nlp refs