Rename 12_dht11_module_circuit.png to dht11_module.png
Rename 12_dht11_module_circuit.png to dht11_module.png
Rename learn_arduino_fritzing_pin_13.jpg to LED_blink.jpg
Rename learn_arduino_fritzing_pin_13.jpg to LED_blink.jpg
Rename humidity and temperature DHT11.h to humidity and temperature D…
Rename humidity and temperature DHT11.h to humidity and temperature D…
Rename Blinking the LED.h to Blinking the LED.cpp
Rename Blinking the LED.h to Blinking the LED.cpp
Rename humidity and temperature DHT11 to humidity and temperature DHT…
Rename humidity and temperature DHT11 to humidity and temperature DHT…
Rename Blinking the LED to Blinking the LED.h
Rename Blinking the LED to Blinking the LED.h
Create humidity and temperature DHT11
Create humidity and temperature DHT11