The Mapbox Maps Style Extension for Android is an public library that provides easy-to-use and type-safe Kotlin DSL(Domain Specific Language) for constructing and manipulating the map style according to the Mapbox Style Specification.
The Style Extension consists of multiple extension functions and is built on top on the Mapbox Core APIs.
A full overview of classes and interfaces can be found in our API documentation.
This README is intended for developers who are interested in contributing to the Mapbox Maps Style Extension for Android. Please visit for general information and instructions on how to use the Mapbox Maps Extension System. To add the style extension to your project, you configure its dependency in your build.gradle
// In the root build.gradle file
// The Mapbox access token needs to a scope set to DOWNLOADS:READ
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ''
authentication {
credentials {
username = "mapbox"
// In the app build.gradle file
dependencies {
implementation 'com.mapbox.extension:maps-style:11.11.0'
The Mapbox Style Extension provides some easy-to-use Koltin DSL for constructing layers, sources, light and expressions. A basic use of constructing a style with one layer and one source can be found as follows:
style(styleUri = Style.MAPBOX_STREETS) {
+geojsonSource(id = "earthquakes") {
+circleLayer(layerId = "earthquakeCircle", sourceId = "earthquakes") {
circleRadius(get { literal("mag") })
new Style.OnStyleLoaded() {
public void onStyleLoaded(@NotNull Style style) {
// Map is set up and the style has loaded. Now you can add data or make other map adjustments.
new MapboxMap.OnMapLoadErrorListener() {
public void onMapLoadError(@NotNull MapLoadError mapLoadError, @NotNull String s) {
// Error occurred when loading the map, try to handle it gracefully here
More concrete examples of the style extension can be found in our test application.
View for all dependencies used by this extension.