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This package enables integration testing of the RedisCobuildLockProvider by connecting to an actual Redis created using an redis docker image.


Docker and docker compose must be installed

Start the Redis

In this folder run docker-compose up -d

Stop the Redis

In this folder run docker-compose down

Install and build the integration test code

rush update
rush build -t rush-redis-cobuild-plugin-integration-test

Run the test for lock provider

# start the docker container: docker-compose up -d
# build the code: rushx build
rushx test-lock-provider

Integration test in sandbox repo

Sandbox repo folder: build-tests/rush-redis-cobuild-plugin-integration-test/sandbox/repo

cd sandbox/repo
node ../../lib/runRush.js update

You can also test sharded operations with cobuilds using the build-tests/rush-redis-cobuild-plugin-integration-test/sandbox/sharded-repo

cd sandbox/sharded-repo
node ../../lib/runRush.js update

You should expect to see multiple shards for operations a (15 shards), b (75) and h (50) and e (75).

Case 1: Normal build, Cobuild is disabled because of missing RUSH_COBUILD_CONTEXT_ID

  1. Write to build cache
rm -rf common/temp/build-cache && node ../../lib/runRush.js --debug cobuild
  1. Read from build cache
node ../../lib/runRush.js --debug cobuild

Expected behavior: Cobuild feature is disabled. Build cache is saved/restored as normal.

Case 2: Cobuild enabled by specifying RUSH_COBUILD_CONTEXT_ID and Redis authentication

  1. Clear redis server
(cd ../.. && docker compose down && docker compose up -d)
  1. Run cobuilds
rm -rf common/temp/build-cache && RUSH_COBUILD_CONTEXT_ID=foo REDIS_PASS=redis123 RUSH_COBUILD_RUNNER_ID=runner1 node ../../lib/runRush.js --debug cobuild

Expected behavior: Cobuild feature is enabled. Run command successfully. You can also see cobuild related logs in the terminal.

Running cobuild (runner foo/runner1)
Analyzing repo state... DONE (0.11 seconds)

Executing a maximum of 10 simultaneous processes...

==[ b (build) ]====================================================[ 1 of 9 ]==
Get completed_state(cobuild:completed:foo:2e477baf39a85b28fc40e63b417692fe8afcc023)_package(b)_phase(_phase:build): SUCCESS;2e477baf39a85b28fc40e63b417692fe8afcc023
Get completed_state(cobuild:completed:foo:cfc620db4e74a6f0db41b1a86d0b5402966b97f3)_package(a)_phase(_phase:build): SUCCESS;cfc620db4e74a6f0db41b1a86d0b5402966b97f3
Successfully acquired lock(cobuild:lock:foo:4c36160884a7a502f9894e8f0adae05c45c8cc4b)_package(b)_phase(_phase:build) to runner(runner1) and it expires in 30s

Case 3: Cobuild enabled, run two cobuild commands in parallel

Note: This test requires Visual Studio Code to be installed.

  1. Open predefined .vscode/redis-cobuild.code-workspace in Visual Studio Code.

  2. Clear redis server

# Under rushstack/build-tests/rush-redis-cobuild-plugin-integration-test
docker compose down && docker compose up -d
  1. Clear build cache
# Under rushstack/build-tests/rush-redis-cobuild-plugin-integration-test/sandbox/repo
rm -rf common/temp/build-cache
  1. Open command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Command+Shift+P) and select Tasks: Run Task and select cobuild.

In this step, two dedicated terminal windows will open. Running rush cobuild command under sandbox repo respectively.

Expected behavior: Cobuild feature is enabled, cobuild related logs out in both terminals.

Case 4: Cobuild enabled, run two cobuild commands in parallel, one of them failed

Note: This test requires Visual Studio Code to be installed.

  1. Open predefined .vscode/redis-cobuild.code-workspace in Visual Studio Code.

  2. Making the cobuild command of project "A" fails


  "scripts": {
-   "_phase:build": "node ../build.js a",
+   "_phase:build": "exit 1",
  1. Clear redis server
# Under rushstack/build-tests/rush-redis-cobuild-plugin-integration-test
docker compose down && docker compose up -d
  1. Clear build cache
# Under rushstack/build-tests/rush-redis-cobuild-plugin-integration-test/sandbox/repo
rm -rf common/temp/build-cache
  1. Open command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Command+Shift+P) and select Tasks: Run Task and select cobuild.

Expected behavior: Cobuild feature is enabled, cobuild related logs out in both terminals. These two cobuild commands fail because of the failing build of project "A". And, one of them restored the failing build cache created by the other one.

Case 5: Sharded cobuilds

Enable the allowCobuildWithoutCache experiment in experiments.json.

Navigate to the sandbox for sharded cobuilds,

cd sandbox/sharded-repo

Next, start up your Redis instance,

docker compose down && docker compose up -d

Then, open 2 terminals and run this in each (changing the RUSH_COBUILD_RUNNER_ID across the 2 terminals),

rm -rf common/temp/build-cache && RUSH_COBUILD_CONTEXT_ID=foo REDIS_PASS=redis123 RUSH_COBUILD_RUNNER_ID=runner1 node ../../lib/runRush.js cobuild -p 10 --timeline

If all goes well, you should see a bunch of operation with - shard xx/yy. Operations h (build) and e (build) are both sharded heavily and should be cobuild compatible. To validate changes you're making, ensure that the timeline view for all of the shards of those 2 operations are cobuilt across both terminals. If they're not, something is wrong with your update.