The git commands & workflows you need to know to work with git and automate your regular commands.
# paste this in your terminal to change your current working directory to the project directory
cd your_project_path
# initialize git
git init
β‘οΈ The repetitive commands that I (and everyone else) use regularly.
# connect the remote GitHub repo with your local project
git remote add origin [github-repo-url]
# see untracked files
git status
# add all untracked files to the staging area
git add .
# commit the tracked files of the staging area
git commit -m "commit-msg"
# push all the changes to the GitHub
git push -u origin master
π Git Setup if you have never used git before.
# configure git with your github username
git config --global "your_github_username"
# configure git with your github email (email you used to sign up on GitHub)
git config --global ""
π© Clone a repository in your computer.
# clone a repo
git clone [repo_url]
π² The git commands you need to know to work with branches.
# list all branches
git branch
# create a new branch
git branch [branch_name]
# checkout to the new branch
git checkout [branch_name]
# OR
# create AND checkout to the new branch
git checkout -b [branch_name]
# pushing the new branch on GitHub
git push origin [branch_name]
# delete a branch locally
git branch -d [branch_name]
# delete a branch on GitHub
git push origin -d [branch_name]
# pulling changes from some other branch
git pull origin [branch_name]
# merge a branch with the current active branch
git merge [branch_name]
# merge a branch to some defined branch
git merge [source_branch] [target_branch]
π Stashing untracked changes β It saves all the new untracked changes and rewind your repo to the last commit.
# stash the untracked changes
git stash
# pop an existing stack
git stash apply stash@{stash_number}
# list all stashes
git stash list
# delete all saved stashes
git stash clear
π Pulling all the new changes from the remote repository on GitHub
# pull changes from master branch
git pull origin master
# pulling changes from some other branch
git pull origin [branch_name]
π― Keep your GitHub forked repo in sync with the original repository.
# STEP #1: show URLs of remote repositories when listing your current remote connections
git remote -v
# STEP #2: add upstream
git remote add upstream [source-repo-url]
# STEP #3: fetching all the new changes from the main repository
git fetch upstream
# STEP #4: merging the new changes from the original repo to your forked local repo
git merge upstream/master
# STEP #5: pushing the new changes of the forked local repo to the GitHub
git push origin master
Replace master with main if your primary branch is main
Open your .zshrc
or .bashrc
file. It is located in your Home directory. Paste the following shellcode there.
# Keep your GitHub forked repo in sync with the original repository with master as the primary branch
function fetchremotems() {
git fetch upstream &&
git merge upstream/master &&
git push origin master
# Keep your GitHub forked repo in sync with the original repository with main as the primary branch
function fetchremotemn() {
git fetch upstream &&
git merge upstream/main &&
git push origin main
# create new branch and checkout to it
function gcb() {
git checkout -b "${1}"
# checkout to a branch
function gch() {
git checkout "${1}"
# push changes to another branch
function gbp() {
git push origin "${1}"
# add, commit, push changes to github
function gacp() {
git add . &&
git commit -m "${1}" &&
git push
# aliases
alias gi='git init'
alias gs='git status'
alias ga='git add '
alias gaa='git add .'
alias gc='git commit -m '
alias gp='git push'
alias gra='git remote add origin '
alias gpm='git push -u origin master'
# create YOUR own git workflows
function [functionName]() {
# commands to execute when function is called
# if there are more than one commands, use && between them
# to use the first output from the terminal, use "${1}"
Fetching changes from the original repo to your forked repo.
cd your_project_path
# do this only once in every forked local repo to add upstream
git remote add upstream [source-repo-url]
# write the following in the terminal β primary branch: master β whenever you need to fetch the changes
# write the following in the terminal β primary branch: main β whenever you need to fetch the changes
Usage of the rest of the workflows.
# To create a new branch and also to checkout to it
gcb [branch_name]
# To checkout to an existing branch
gch [branch_name]
# To push changes to another branch
gbp [branch_name]
# To add, commit and push changes to the github
gacp "commit-msg"
# initialize git
# check status
# stage untracked file
ga [file_name]
# stage all untracked files
# commit the changes
gc "commit-msg"
# connect remote repo to the local repo
gra [repo-link]
# push changes to master
Feel free to add your git workflows in the repository. Just make sure you first read the contributing guidelines before making a PR.
I have curated a detailed list of all the open-source projects I have authored. Do take out a moment and take a look.
- MIT Β© Saad Irfan
- Code of Conduct