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netdata-pandas is a Python package that can be used to pull data from you Netdata nodes into a Pandas DataFrame beloved by all.


In this directory there are a number of sample Jupyter notebooks showing some usage of the netdata-pandas package.

Getting Started

To run the notebooks you have two options:

(1) run in your own python environment making sure to install all the dependencies listed in requirements.txt


(2) run each notebook in Google Colab by pressing the "Open in Colab" button at the top of each notebook. Once the notebook is opened in Google Colab you will then just need to uncomment the first code cell to install the relevant python packages for that notebook into the environment Google Colab has spun up for you (note: Google Colab offers free notebooks in the cloud so can be a great way to start playing with Python without having to worry about setting up your own Python environment on you computer).