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Fake Service with DataDog metrics and tracing

This example shows how Fake Service can be used to report data to DataDog. The setup consists of the following services and heirachy.

web (HTTP) --
               api (HTTP) --
                            payments (HTTP)
                                            -- currency (gRPC 50% error rate)
                            cache (HTTP)

Running the example

The example requires a valid DataDog API key, you can obtain this by signing up for an account at ( Once you have a DataDog API key this must be set as an environment variable so that the datadog-agent can communicate with the API.

export DD_API_KEY=my_key

The example can then be started using Docker Compose

docker-compose up

Starting docker-compose-datadog_cache_1         ... done
Starting docker-compose-datadog_web_1           ... done
Starting docker-compose-datadog_datadog-agent_1 ... done
Starting docker-compose-datadog_api_1           ... done
Starting docker-compose-datadog_currency_1      ... done
Starting docker-compose-datadog_payments_1      ... done
Attaching to docker-compose-datadog_cache_1, docker-compose-datadog_payments_1, docker-compose-datadog_datadog-agent_1, docker-compose-datadog_currency_1, docker-compose-datadog_api_1, docker-compose-datadog_web_1
cache_1          | 2019-09-26T09:46:31.155Z [INFO]  Starting service: name=cache message="Cache response" upstreamURIs= upstreamWorkers=1 listenAddress= http_client_keep_alives=true http_append_request=true service type=http zipkin_endpoint=
payments_1       | 2019-09-26T09:46:31.208Z [INFO]  Starting service: name=payments message="Payments response" upstreamURIs=grpc://currency:9090 upstreamWorkers=1 listenAddress= http_client_keep_alives=true http_append_request=true service type=http zipkin_endpoint=
api_1            | 2019-09-26T09:46:31.548Z [INFO]  Starting service: name=api message="API response" upstreamURIs="http://payments:9090/12434/jackson?auth=true, http://cache:9090" upstreamWorkers=2 listenAddress= http_client_keep_alives=true http_append_request=true service type=http zipkin_endpoint=
currency_1       | 2019-09-26T09:46:31.480Z [INFO]  Starting service: name=currency message="Currency response" upstreamURIs= upstreamWorkers=1 listenAddress= http_client_keep_alives=true http_append_request=true service type=grpc zipkin_endpoint=
datadog-agent_1  | [s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
web_1            | 2019-09-26T09:46:31.622Z [INFO]  Starting service: name=web message="Hello World" upstreamURIs=http://api:9090 upstreamWorkers=1 listenAddress= http_client_keep_alives=true http_append_request=true service type=http zipkin_endpoint=
datadog-agent_1  | [s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
datadog-agent_1  | [fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
datadog-agent_1  | [fix-attrs.d] done.
datadog-agent_1  | [cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...

The initial web service can be accessed at port 9090, to test the system curl this endpoint. currency has been configured to return a 500 error every second call.

➜ curl localhost:9090
  "name": "web",
  "type": "HTTP",
  "duration": "32.6956ms",
  "body": "Hello World",
  "upstream_calls": [
      "name": "api",
      "uri": "http://api:9090",
      "type": "HTTP",
      "duration": "21.2637ms",
      "body": "API response",
      "upstream_calls": [
          "name": "cache",
          "uri": "http://cache:9090",
          "type": "HTTP",
          "duration": "1.5345ms",
          "body": "Cache response",
          "code": 200
          "name": "payments",
          "uri": "http://payments:9090/12434/jackson?auth=true",
          "type": "HTTP",
          "duration": "6.9006ms",
          "body": "Payments response",
          "upstream_calls": [
              "name": "currency",
              "uri": "grpc://currency:9090",
              "type": "gRPC",
              "duration": "398.4µs",
              "body": "Currency response",
              "code": 0
          "code": 200
      "code": 200
  "code": 200

➜ curl localhost:9090
  "name": "web",
  "type": "HTTP",
  "duration": "12.9277ms",
  "body": "Hello World",
  "upstream_calls": [
      "name": "api",
      "uri": "http://api:9090",
      "type": "HTTP",
      "duration": "8.03ms",
      "body": "API response",
      "upstream_calls": [
          "name": "cache",
          "uri": "http://cache:9090",
          "type": "HTTP",
          "duration": "1.5539ms",
          "body": "Cache response",
          "code": 200
          "name": "payments",
          "uri": "http://payments:9090/12434/jackson?auth=true",
          "type": "HTTP",
          "duration": "6.2867ms",
          "body": "Payments response",
          "upstream_calls": [
              "uri": "grpc://currency:9090",
              "code": 500,
              "error": "rpc error: code = Code(500) desc = Service error automatically injected"
          "code": 500,
          "error": "Error processing upstream request: http://payments:9090/12434/jackson/?auth=true"
      "code": 500,
      "error": "Error processing upstream request: http://api:9090/"
  "code": 500

Viewing output

The traces output from the system can be viewed in the DataDog APM browser:

Consul Service Mesh

To run this example including Consul Service Mesh the following command can be used:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-consul.yml up