issues Search Results · repo:objecthub/swift-markdownkit language:Swift
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inobjecthub/swift-markdownkit (press backspace or delete to remove)UITextView 0x104aa0000 is switching to TextKit 1 compatibility mode because its textStorage contains attributes which
are not compatible with TextKit 2. Break on void _UITextViewEnablingCompatibilityMode(UITextView ...
- 1
- Opened 9 days ago
- #16
Convert a Markdown string to NSAttributedString,Can you give me an example? iOS
- 1
- Opened 11 days ago
- #15
Hi @objecthub !
First, thanks for this awesome library, I ve started using it as I want to have enriched messages in my instant
messaging app.
I ve been trying several options, but none has been optimal. ...
- 5
- Opened on Oct 14, 2024
- #14
I need a lib for Swift markdown parser/display where when interpreting a link where the href is ubook-app://product/123
, a custom view is placed inside that displays a loading, then loads the ...
- 1
- Opened on Jul 11, 2024
- #13
Is it possible to create only a single window where a user types in markdown and have it dynamically rendered? Sort of
like Obsidian / Bear app / Spaces does it?
Eg writing **bold** to only show bold? ...
- 1
- Opened on Aug 27, 2022
- #11
Using the HTMLGenerator, if there is html inside of code blocks, it will be rendered as html instead of as text. This
causes undefined behaviour.
Example: here, a css stylesheet is being rendered, ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 4, 2022
- #10
Hi, I m using this package to render markdown to HTML in a Vapor project. Running it on a Mac works fine, but depploying
it to Heroku gives the following error message:
AttributedStringGenerator.swift ...
- 2
- Opened on Jan 31, 2022
- #8
This is an awesome project which is not a simple wrapper around CMark and done the Swift way. I am wonering a question:
Is there a way to get source text ranges when iterating over the AST?
- 1
- Opened on Jun 25, 2021
- #7
I was hoping to add my own support for hard breaks, something like so:
import MarkdownKit
let string =
This is a line
This is another line
func nl2br(doc: Block) - Block {
guard case .document(let ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 16, 2021
- #6
Let s say I want to add support for ~~strikethrough~~ text, and I want to write a plugin for that. How would I go about
doing this? I found ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 16, 2021
- #5

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