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How to build functions from source code with the Function Builder API
We show you how to build functions programmatically with the OpenFaaS Function Builder API

We show you how to build functions programmatically with the OpenFaaS Function Builder API.

If you've already used OpenFaaS, then you'll be familiar with the faas-cli build and faas-cli up commands. These are convenient wrappers for Docker, that can be used on your own machine during development, and on a CI server to publish new versions of your functions. The Template Store is a handy way to find templates for writing functions that you can also customise if you need.

How does faas-cli work? It takes a template, and then overlays your code on top, making a build context. The build context is then passed over to Docker, which finds the Dockerfile at the root-level, and all your code, and gets to work building an OCI-compatible container image, which can be deployed to OpenFaaS.

So why would you want to build with via an API instead?

  • You are a service provider and you need a way to run OpenFaaS functions with custom code provided by your customers - think of and LivePerson
  • You need to manage dozens or hundreds of functions. Instead of defining and maintaining hundreds of different CI jobs you can integrate with the Builder's REST API to build functions programmatically.
  • You need a secure way to build images in-cluster without sharing the Docker socket, resorting to Docker In Docker (DIND) or bespoke tools like Kaniko.

The Function Builder API provides a secure way to build containers using via a HTTP REST call, making it easy to integrate with your existing tools and products. It doesn't need root privileges, and makes use of BuildKit which was developed by the Docker community, for fast, efficient and isolated builds.

We'll show you how to use the builder using curl which will give you everything you need to write your own integration in code, but we're also providing examples for Python and Node.js to get you started.

See the docs: OpenFaaS Function Builder API

Code examples for: Node.js, Go, PHP and Python

How to call the Function Builder API

The OpenFaaS Pro Builder can be used via a simple HTTP API. To start a build you have to send a POST request to its /build endpoint. It accepts a tar archive containing a build context and build configuration as the payload. Any caller of the API must sign the payload before invoking the API.

Conceptual diagram of building from source code

A conceptual diagram of going from source code, and a template to a container ready to deploy to OpenFaaS

These are the tasks we need to preform to create a payload and invoke the builder API:

  1. Construct a folder called context with the files needed to build a container.
  2. Create a configuration file called com.openfaas.docker.config.
  3. Create a tar archive which contains com.openfaas.docker.config and context/*
  4. Calculate the SHA256 HMAC signature for the tar file
  5. Invoke the API via HTTP, adding the HMAC signature as a header.

Then you'll receive a JSON response with the logs, and the final image name:

    "log": [
        "v: 2022-06-23T09:10:12Z [ship 15/16] RUN npm test 0.35s",
        "v: 2022-06-23T09:10:13Z [ship 16/16] WORKDIR /home/app/",
        "v: 2022-06-23T09:10:13Z [ship 16/16] WORKDIR /home/app/ 0.09s",
        "v: 2022-06-23T09:10:13Z exporting to image",
        "s: 2022-06-23T09:11:06Z pushing manifest for 0",
        "s: 2022-06-23T09:11:09Z pushing manifest for 0",
        "v: 2022-06-23T09:10:13Z exporting to image 5.18s"
    "image": "",
    "status": "success"

Walk-through with curl

In this section we show how to prepare a tar archive that we can then use to invoke the builder with curl.

You'll need to have set up the - Function Builder API Helm chart, and have read the instructions to verify that it's configured correctly.

Create the build context

We will start by creating a test function using the node17 template.

faas-cli new --lang node17 hello-world

To prepare our code we have to create a build context that can be sent to the builder API. The build context is the directory where you would normally run docker build . if you are creating your images with docker. faas-cli build would normally execute or fork docker, because the command is just a wrapper. To write out a build context we should bypass this behaviour, that's possible via the following command:

faas-cli build --shrinkwrap -f hello-world.yml

The build context will now be available in the ./build/hello-world/ folder with our function code and the template with its entrypoint and Dockerfile.

└── hello-world
    ├── Dockerfile
    ├── function
    │   ├── handler.js
    │   └── package.json
    ├── index.js
    ├── package.json
    └── template.yml

Create the tar archive

The builder expects a tar archive with a directory containing the build context and a configuration file named com.openfaas.docker.config. The configuration is a JSON object that has one required property image.

Write the configuration to ./build/com.openfaas.docker.config:

Here we're using the temporary registry which is easy to use for testing the workflow, since it doesn't require any authentication.

echo -n '{"image": ""}' > ./build/com.openfaas.docker.config

The syntax :1h will make the image expire and be deleted after one hour, in production, you'll be using your own registry such as the Docker Hub, GHCR or, etc, with authentication enabled.

Alternatively, you can use the Docker Hub or any other registry by prefixing for instance, if you were the owner of the "functions" account, you may write something like this:

echo -n '{"image": "'$DOCKER_USER'/hello-world:0.1.0"}' > ./build/com.openfaas.docker.config

In addition to the image property the config file also supports defining additional build arguments that will be passed to the build.

  "image": "",
  "buildArgs": {

Once the configuration file is created we then have to create a tar archive of the context in the ./build/ directory.

The faas-cli created a build context with the name of the function. The function builder requires the build context to be in a folder named context, so we'll rename it:

cd build

# rename the hello-world folder to "context"
rm -rf context
mv hello-world context

tar cvf req.tar --exclude=req.tar .

The contents of the resulting tar archive should look like this:


Invoke the builder API

HMAC validation is enabled by default on the builder, to invoke it you'll need to generate a SHA256 HMAC signature and pass it in the X-Build-Signature header. This prevents unauthorized users from accessing the builder API.

PAYLOAD=$(kubectl get secret -n openfaas payload-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.payload-secret}' | base64 --decode)

HMAC=$(cat req.tar | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac $PAYLOAD | sed -e 's/^.* //')

curl -H "X-Build-Signature: sha256=$HMAC" \
    -s \
    -X POST --data-binary @req.tar | jq

Did you know? Node.js, Python, Go and other languages have built-in support for creating tar files and for calculating a HMAC. You'll also find HMAC used with webhooks.

After a few seconds, the API will return a JSON result with the result from the build including the logs, status and an image name if the container was published successfully.

    "log": [
        "v: 2022-06-23T09:10:12Z [ship 15/16] RUN npm test 0.35s",
        "v: 2022-06-23T09:10:13Z [ship 16/16] WORKDIR /home/app/",
        "v: 2022-06-23T09:10:13Z [ship 16/16] WORKDIR /home/app/ 0.09s",
        "v: 2022-06-23T09:10:13Z exporting to image",
        "s: 2022-06-23T09:11:06Z pushing manifest for 0",
        "s: 2022-06-23T09:11:09Z pushing manifest for 0",
        "v: 2022-06-23T09:10:13Z exporting to image 5.18s"
    "image": "",
    "status": "success"

Monitor the build

Once you start building containers at scale, it's going to be important to know how things are going.

The builder has metrics that are scraped automatically and made available by the Prometheus instance installed in the OpenFaaS helm chart.

You'll get:

  • The number of builds in progress
  • The average build time of the builds
  • The number of invocations and HTTP response codes

OpenFaaS Pro users can also correlate the RAM and CPU usage of the builders, to see if there's a bottleneck, or a need to scale out to add more builders.

The builder dashboard showing metrics for a single builder pod.

Pictured: metrics for the builder showing inflight builds, average duration and HTTP status codes to detect errors.

Python walk-through

We showed you how to prepare a tar archive and invoke the builder using curl. In this part we walk through a code example to do the same thing using Python code.

The complete Python example, along with examples for other languages, is available on GitHub.

Prepare the build context

Just like in the previous example we start by creating a build context. You could write your own code to construct a build context with a Dockerfile and the other files required to build your container. In his example we will execute the faas-cli command from our application. By running faas-cli build --shrinkwrap we are able to reuse the existing OpenFaaS templates or any other template you might want to use.

In our Python code we define a function shrinkwrap.

def shrinkwrap(image, handler, lang):
    cmd = [

    completed =

    if completed.returncode != 0:
        raise Exception('Failed to shrinkwrap handler')

The function takes three arguments: the image name to build, the path to our handler directory and the template to use. It uses the subprocess module to spawn a new process running the faas-cli build --shrinkwrap command.

In this example we pass individual values to the build command using flags but you could also use a stack YAML file and run faas-cli build -f stack.yaml.

Create a tar archive

The function makeTar will create a tar archive containing the build context and configuration. The first argument is a dictionary for the build configuration. This will be serialised as json and written to a file com.openfaas.docker.config at the root of our tar archive alongside the context folder. The result is a tar archive located at the path specified in the third argument that can be used as payload for the build request.

def makeTar(buildConfig, path, tarFile):
    configFile = os.path.join(path, 'com.openfaas.docker.config')
    with open(configFile, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(buildConfig, f)

    with, 'w') as tar:
        tar.add(configFile, arcname='com.openfaas.docker.config')
        tar.add(os.path.join(path, "context"), arcname="context")

Invoke the builder API

By default the builder has HMAC validation enabled. We have to create a SHA256 HMAC signature and invoke the API passing in the X-Build-Signature.

The function callBuilder is responsible for obtaining the HMAC signature and calling the pro-builder.

def callBuilder(tarFile):
    with open(tarFile, 'rb') as t, open('payload.txt', 'rb') as s:
        secret =
        data =
        digest =, data, 'sha256').hexdigest()
        headers = {
            'X-Build-Signature': 'sha256={}'.format(digest),
            'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'
        return"", headers=headers, data=data)

We use the hmac from the Python standard library to create the HMAC signature for the tar file. The signing key required to create the signature is read from the payload.txt file.

You can use this command to retrieve the payload secret and write it to payload.txt:

kubectl get secret \
    -n openfaas \
    payload-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.payload-secret}' \
    | base64 --decode \
    > payload.txt

Finally we use the requests library to invoke the builder.

Run the script

Clone the examples repo to get the complete build script.

git clone --depth=1
cd openfaas-function-builder-api-examples

Make sure that the pro-builder is port-forwarded to port 8081 on localhost and that the payload secret is written to payload.txt.

kubectl port-forward \
    -n openfaas \
    svc/pro-builder 8081:8080

Run the Python script

python3 python-request/ \
    --image \
    --handler ./hello-world \
    --lang node17

How long did it take?

Try running the build a second time, once the builder has the base images cached, you'll see a much quicker overall time on subsequent builds.

If you were to deploy your Python code to a Kubernetes cluster, then you'd want to invoke the builder via its internal service name of: http://pro-builder.openfaas:8080.

Deploying your new function automatically

Now that you've built a function via API, you can deploy it using faas-cli deploy, or using the OpenFaaS REST API:

export HOST=
export PASSWORD="" # OpenFaaS REST API password
export FUNCTION_NAME="hello-world"


curl -s \
  --data-binary \
  '{"image":"'"$IMAGE"'", "service": "'"$FUNCTION_NAME"'"}' \

If you need any additional parameters, like environment variables, labels, etc, you can also set them here, or review the OpenFaaS Swagger definition for more fields.

The eBook Serverless For Everyone Else has detailed examples on how to use the OpenFaaS REST API.


We walked you through two examples to show you the tasks that need to be preformed to invoke the Function Builder API and build a container image. The first example was with curl and, so that you can try out the approach quickly, to see what it's like. Then we put together some more examples for different languages, you can find them on GitHub:

You'll find more detailed instructions in the documentation and in the Helm chart:

OpenFaaS uses OCI-format for functions, and whilst the focus of this post was on building functions, the Function Builder API can be used to create any container image from a valid Docker context. You could even use it to build the core services that make up OpenFaaS itself, or the rest of your application.

Most users will find that docker and the faas-cli are sufficient for their needs. The OpenFaaS Function Builder API was designed for service providers or people who need the manage a large amount of functions or for those who need to build functions on-demand. It is easy to integrate with via HTTP and allows you to build images in-cluster, in a secure way.

OpenFaaS Pro customers, already have access to the Function Builder API, but if you're still using the Community Edition, then feel free to reach out for a demo or trial key.

If you'd like to talk to us, we'd be happy to speak to you:

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