This set of directories will contain samples of code for CICD pipelines, Terraform scrpits for easy setup in OCI, liquibase examples as well as other CICD and DevOps related artifacts.
On April 7th, 2021, we had a web conference around these topics.
Template/Directory structure for database/APEX CICD
This directory contains samples of code for Jenkins and Spinnaker for DB/APEX CICD
Here we have sample code for using terraform in OCI for the following tasks:
- Vanity URL with ADB: Create a user managed ORDS instance on a compute VM for an autonomous DB and custom domain name using Let's Encrypt
- Vanity URL with DBCS: Create a user managed ORDS instance on a compute VM for a DBCS instance (VM, BM or ExaCS) and custom domain name using Let's Encrypt
- Simple ORDS setup: Create a VM with ORDS attached to a DBCS instance