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Alexander Sullivan AlexJSully
Software Developer @verily-src | Bioinformatician | MSc University of Toronto's @BioAnalyticResource

@verily-src Canada

Nassim n4ss1m
Full Stack Web Developer

Piteur Studio Algeria , Blida

Air Force Special Operations Command - Navy seal & swcc terenceshawndaley
Air Force Special Operations Command - Navy seal & swcc

BlackRose's 151 One Beacon Court st 58th Manhattan phw54

Takuya.N takungsk

Splunk Hachioji Tokyo Japan

Rohitha Yarlagadda yrohitha
Life is Beautiful.

Quantium Hyderabad

Zaro Orlovski axelzaro

Atlassian Amsterdam

Leo Griffiths LeoTheGriff
Data Engineer at Montagu Private Equity, DatakindUK volunteer.

MontaguPE London, UK

Anurag Sinha anuda19
Dedicated Learner

Digi Serves Patna

Aditya Zende ZendeAditya
Frontend developer


T_cat9000_2 webbrowser11
Working on... lots of things.

Alter Net codes It's Confirmed, Mars.

Sergio KID-joker
Technology changes the world.

Undefined Shenzhen, China

Jason Lyu xjasonlyu
Computing and Software (CAS) MEng @ McMaster

McMaster University Greater Toronto Area, CA

Txipiron Software Sakery
Txipiron Software

Txipiron Software Madrid

NABIL nabilify

South Asia / Remote

Frost/West7014 thatWest7014
Software Engineer, ROBLOX Dev, artist, etc. Acting Director of @Nirmini.
Divyansh Batham DivyanshBatham
Self-taught JS Enthusiast with an eye for dēSign.

@Atlassian Bengaluru, India

Danny Wang dannywly
Be Creative

Boehringer Ingelheim shanghai

Khouchane Mahmoud kh-mahmoud
Full Stack Web Developer


Richy richy-git

@Apple Australia

Nhat-Hao Tran-Ly tranlynhathao

VNUHCMC - University of Science Ho Chi Minh City

Arian arian921017

funshops Singapore