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libModSecurity Windows build information

The Windows build of libModSecurity uses Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022 (for Visual C++ & CMake) and Conan package manager.



  • Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022
    • Install Desktop development with C++ workload, which includes:
      • MSVC C++ compiler
      • Windows SDK
      • CMake
      • Address Sanitizer
  • Conan package manager 2.10.2
    • Install and then setup the default Conan profile to use the MSVC C++ compiler:
      1. Open a command-prompt and set the MSVC C++ compiler environment by executing: C:\BuildTools\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat
      2. Execute: conan profile detect --force
  • Git for Windows 2.44.0
    • To clone the libModSecurity repository.
    • NOTE: Make sure to initialize and update submodules (to get libinjection and regression tests)
      • git submodule init
      • git submodule update


Install the prerequisites listed in the previous section, checkout libModSecurity and from the directory where it's located execute:

vcbuild.bat [build_configuration] [arch] [USE_ASAN]

where [build_configuration] can be: Release (default), RelWithDebInfo, MinSizeRel or Debug, and [arch] can be: x86_64 (default) or x86.

Built files will be located in the directory: build\win32\build\[build_configuration] and include:

  • libModSecurity.dll
  • Executable files for test projects
    • unit_tests.exe
    • regression_tests.exe
    • benchmark.exe
    • rules_optimization.exe
  • Executable files for examples
    • simple_example_using_c.exe
    • using_bodies_in_chunks.exe
    • reading_logs_via_rule_message.exe
    • reading_logs_with_offset.exe
    • multithread.exe
  • Executable files for tools
    • rules_check.exe

NOTE: When building a different configuration, it's recommended to reset:

  • the build directory: build\win32\build
  • previously built conan packages executing the command:
    • conan remove * -c

Optional features

By default the following all the following features are enabled by including the associated third-party library through a Conan package:

  • libxml2 2.12.6 for XML processing support
  • libcurl 8.6.0 to support http requests from rules
  • libmaxminddb 1.9.1 to support reading MaxMind DB files.
  • LUA 5.4.6 to enable rules to run scripts in this language for extensibility
  • lmdb 0.9.31 in-memory database

Each of these can be turned off by updating the associated HAVE_xxx variable (setting it to zero) in the beginning of the libModSecurity section of CMakeLists.txt.

Address Sanitizer

AddressSanitizer (aka ASan) is a memory error detector for C/C++.

To generate a build with Address Sanitizer, add the USE_ASAN optional third argument to vcbuild.bat. For example:

  • vcbuild.bat Debug x86_64 USE_ASAN

NOTE: USE_ASAN does not work with Release & MinSizeRel configurations because they do not include debug info (it is only compatible with Debug & RelWithDebInfo builds).

Docker container

A Dockerfile configuration file is provided in the docker subdir that creates a Windows container image which installs the prerequisites and builds libModSecurity and other binaries.

NOTE: Windows containers are supported in Docker Desktop for Windows, using the Switch to Windows containers... option on the context menu of the system tray icon.

To build the docker image, execute the following command (from the build\win32\docker directory):

  • docker build -t libmodsecurity:latest -m 4GB .
    • Build type, architecture and build with Address Sanitizer can be configured through build arguments (BUILD_TYPE, ARCH & USE_ASAN respectively). For example, to generate a debug build, add the following argument:
      • --build-arg BUILD_TYPE=Debug

Once the image is generated, the library and associated binaries (tests & examples) are located in the C:\src\ModSecurity\build\win32\build\[build_type] directory.

To extract the library (libModSecurity.dll) from the image, you can execute the following commands:

  • docker container create --name [container_name] libmodsecurity
  • docker cp [container_name]:C:\src\ModSecurity\build\win32\build\[build_type]\libModSecurity.dll .
    • NOTE: If you leave out the libModSecurity.dll filename out, you can copy all the built binaries (including examples & tests).

Additionally, the image can be used interactively for additional development work by executing:

  • docker run -it libmodsecurity