Picking up where we left off inside of VisibleTodoList
, we will extract the common code between the lifecycle hooks into a separate method called fetchData
, where the data we want to fetch only depends on the filter.
We call this method from the componentDidMount()
hook in order to fetch the initial data. We will also call it whenever the filter
changes inside the componentDidUpdate
lifecycle hook.
class VisibleTodoList extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (this.props.filter !== prevProps.filter) {
fetchData() {
fetchTodos(this.props.filter).then(todos =>
console.log(this.props.filter, todos)
We want the fetched todos to become a part of the Redux store's state
, and the only way to get something into the state is to dispatch an action.
We'll have it call the callback prop receiveTodos
with the todos
we just fetched.
fetchData() {
fetchTodos(this.props.filter).then(todos =>
To make it available inside the component, we need to pass a function called receiveTodos
that would be an action creator inside the second argument to connect
. Since the name of the function matches the name of the callback prop, we can use the shorter ES6 Object property notation.
We also will import receiveTodos
from the file where all other action creators are defined.
// At the top of `VisibleTodoList.js`
import { toggleTodo, receiveTodos } from '../actions'
// At the bottom of `VisibleTodoList.js`
VisibleTodoList = withRouter(connect(
{ onTodoClick: toggleTodo, receiveTodos }
Now we need to actually implement receiveTodos
Inside of our action creators file (src/actions/index.js
) we creating a new export of a function receiveTodos
that takes the server response
as an argument and returns an object with the type
and the response
as a field.
export const receiveTodos = (response) => ({
The reducers handling this action will need to know which filter the response corresponds to, so we will add a filter
as an argument to the receiveTodos
action creator and we'll pass it as part of the action object.
export const receiveTodos = (filter, response) => ({
Back in VisibleTodoList
, we need to update fetchData
to pass the filter through the action creator.
We use the ES6 destructuring syntax to get the filter
and receiveTodos
from props
. It's important that I destructure the filter
right away, because by the time the callback fires, this.props.filter
might have changed because the user might have navigated away.
fetchData() {
const { filter, receiveTodos } = this.props;
fetchTodos(filter).then(todos =>
receiveTodos(filter, todos)
As we navigate through the app, the component fetches data in its lifecycle hooks and dispatches Redux actions when the data is ready. Now let's write less boilerplate.
We can start by replacing named imports with a namespace import. This means that any function exported from the actions file will be in the object called actions
, which we will pass as a second argument to connect.
// At the top of `VisibleTodoList`
// Before: import { toggleTodo, receiveTodos } from '../actions'
import * as actions from '../actions' // After
// At the bottom of `VisibleTodoList`
VisibleTodoList = withRouter(connect(
// Before: { onTodoClick: toggleTodo, receiveTodos}
actions // After
Inside of VisibleTodoList
's render()
function, we'll destructure the props
, because the toggleTodo
action creator needs to be passed the onTodoClick
prop name, but the rest of the props can be passed as they are.
The ...rest
object now contains all the props other than toggleTodo
, so we will pass them through. We will also pass toggleTodo
as the onTodoClick
prop, because that's what the TodoList
component expects.
// Inside of `VisibleTodoList`
render() {
const { toggleTodo, ...rest } = this.props;
return (