issues Search Results · repo:pydata/xarray language:Python
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inpydata/xarray (press backspace or delete to remove)Something I assumed would work:
g = ds.plot(hue= level , col= time )
# Second plot uses the existing FacetGrid s axes
ds2.plot(ax=g.axes.flat, hue= level , col= time )
Gives ValueError: Can t use axes ...
- Opened 13 hours ago
- #10176
Workflow Run URL details summary Python 3.12 Test Summary /summary
xarray/tests/[obj0]: AssertionError: Regex pattern did not match.
Regex: Expected ...
- 4
- Opened yesterday
- #10171
What happened?
I have a data array of datetime values and I want to get the first value for each group. If there are any missing
groups, the operation fails as numpy can t promote datetime data to float. ...
- Opened yesterday
- #10169
Is your feature request related to a problem?
We have CFMaskCoder that lazily masks out the values of the _FillValue and missing_value attributes (if present).
For the Zarr backend, we have use_zarr_fill_value_as_mask ...
topic-CF conventions
- Opened yesterday
- #10168
What is your issue?
Version: latest
#4932 mentions that the return value of Dataset.update() will be removed in v0.21 (released Jan 28, 2022). ...
needs triage
- 3
- Opened yesterday
- #10167
What is your issue?
xarray version 2024.9.0 zarr version 3.0.5
When attempting to save to zarr, the error below results. I can save the same file to zarr happily using zarr
version 2.18.4. I ve checked ...
needs triage
- 1
- Opened yesterday
- #10166
What is your issue?
rootgrp = xr.open_dataset( , decode_times=False)
rootgrp[ tautot ][:1, :1, :1].values ...
usage question
- 10
- Opened 2 days ago
- #10165
What happened?
The documentation for Dataset.to_zarr says that zarr_version is deprecated for zarr_format but calling DataArray.to_zarr
with zarr_format throws an unexpected keyword exception, while calling ...
- Opened 4 days ago
- #10163
What happened?
When appending a coordinate to an existing store, to_zarr will save the coordinate as a data variable.
What did you expect to happen?
to_zarr should record the appended item as a coordinate ...
needs triage
- 2
- Opened 4 days ago
- #10162
It s very common to want to extract a time series at a specified coordinate location, and I m wondering whether xarray
could support this directly without using xoak. Currently I m using xoak, as in this ...
- 5
- Opened 5 days ago
- #10157

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