issues Search Results · repo:python-adaptive/adaptive language:Python
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inpython-adaptive/adaptive (press backspace or delete to remove)Hi !
I just started to use Adaptative and I am confused about a problem that I have.
I am using the Learner2D with a function that computes the sign of a determinant of a matrix (size around 6000). The ...
- 3
- Opened 23 days ago
- #471
My question is the following:
how one could run a learner again after sampling a certain amount of points.
I have tried following:
run LearnerND for sampling 2000 points.
Saved them to the dataframe ...
- 2
- Opened on Feb 20
- #470
All examples in the adaptive code are oriented toward the usage with Jupyter notebooks. However, from software
engineering usage perspective, notebooks are not always optimal (see, for example, ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 20
- #469
When trying to use LearnerND on 2D data (see issue, when calling
learner.to_dataframe() function, one gets the exception: ValueError: point_names ...
- 3
- Opened on Feb 20
- #468
Hi. Could you please advice, what type of loss suite better, if estimated function returns angular value, but real loss
(in which one is interested) depends as well on the distance from coordinates start ...
- Opened on Feb 20
- #467
In some cases, the input area, where function to be interpolated is defined is not a rectangular one, and function is
not defined outside of the definition area. It would be good, if one would be able ...
- 4
- Opened on Feb 19
- #466
I have a problem with adaptive, which becomes extremely slow after a certain number of iterations for high-dimensional
issues (in my case, nine input dimensions). It works fine for a certain amount of ...
- Opened on Nov 20, 2024
- #464
Consider a problem, where one would like to save an intermediate learning result and continue later. i.e. to increase
Saving and loading Learner2D works like charm and I can continue where I ...
- 1
- Opened on Aug 8, 2024
- #461
Hi, I realize that sometimes adaptive generates significantly different losses (~2 orders of magnitude) given the same
input. As a sanity check, I want to recalculate losses of resampled data without calling ...
- Opened on May 21, 2024
- #457
Hi, This is more of a question than an issue. I ve tried several examples for functions resampling and this works great.
Is this applicable for time series as well? Off the top of my head, I think I can ...
- Opened on Apr 17, 2024
- #456

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