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Building the Documentation

We use Sphinx, Doxygen and pandoc for documentation, so begin by installing the dependencies:

apt install doxygen pandoc
pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

Then you just need to run the Makefile to generate the docs in ../docs

There are two main relevant commands (other sphinx make commands are available)

make html

Make sure any time there is an API change you regenerate the master docs

make html builds the docs for the current branch and replaces the existing master branch documentation.

You can specify a version to build docs when cutting a release like this make html VERSION=v0.0.1 This will place the documentation in ../docs/v0.0.1, then you can update the to include the new version documentation in the dropdown.

make clean

make clean will only delete the master documentation, not any of the version documentation

To clean version documentation use make clean VERSION=v0.0.1