lesson#1 - Installing DMD, DUB, Sublime Text
lesson#10 - Setting up DUB with Raylib
lesson#11 - Opening a window and drawing with Raylib
lesson#13 - 2D Tic Tac Toe
lesson#14 - 2D Snake Game
lesson#15 - The Stack vs. the Heap
lesson#16 - Pointers + Manual Memory Allocation
lesson#17 - Classes vs. Structs
lesson#18 - Encapsulation and Protection Attributes
lesson#19.1 - Interfaces and Inheritance
lesson#19.2 - Inheriting from classes
lesson#19.3 - Static and Final members
lesson#20 - this, alias, alias this keyword
lesson#21 - More on Imports
lesson#22 - Singleton design pattern
lesson#23 - State design pattern
lesson#24 - Observer Design Pattern
lesson#25 - Wrapping up the Game State Manager
lesson#26 - Drawing a player
lesson#27 - in, out, inout type qualifiers
lesson#28 - Simple spritesheet animation
lesson#29 - Player spritesheet animation
lesson#3 - Fundamental Data Types
lesson#4 - Create a Calculator!
lesson#5 - Improving our Calculator
lesson#6.1 - Strings and Arrays
lesson#6.2 - For loop and Random Number Generator
lesson#7 - Passing by value and by reference
lesson#8 - Converting Data Types
lesson#9.2 - Creating Battleship game
lesson#9.3 - Finishing Battleship game
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