refactor: improved the code of every function.
refactor: improved the code of every function.
feat: check 80/20 drivers vs income with sumOf, associateWith, filter…
feat: check 80/20 drivers vs income with sumOf, associateWith, filter…
feat: most frequent trip duration with IntRange, max of, max by and a…
feat: most frequent trip duration with IntRange, max of, max by and a…
refactor: made the findSmartPassengers function more clear
refactor: made the findSmartPassengers function more clear
feat: getting the smart passengers by using filters associateWiths, c…
feat: getting the smart passengers by using filters associateWiths, c…
feat: taxi park, find the fake drivers, the faithful passengers and t…
feat: taxi park, find the fake drivers, the faithful passengers and t…
refactor: improved the entire nice function.
refactor: improved the entire nice function.
feat: calculate if a string is nice.
feat: calculate if a string is nice.