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Before diving into OpenGL programming, it is important to have a look at the whole GL landscape because it is actually quite complex and you can easily lose yourself between the different actors, terms and definitions. The teaser image above shows the face of a character from the Wolfenstein game, one from 1992 and the other from 2015. You can see that computer graphics has evolved a lot in 25 years.

OpenGL is 25 years old! Since the first release in 1992, a lot has happened (and is still happening actually, with the newly released Vulkan API and the 4.6 GL release) and consequently, before diving into the book, it is important to understand OpenGL API evolution over the years. If the first API (1.xx) has not changed too much in the first twelve years, a big change occurred in 2004 with the introduction of the dynamic pipeline (OpenGL 2.x), i.e. the use of shaders that allow to have direct access to the GPU. Before this version, OpenGL was using a fixed pipeline that made it easy to rapidly prototype some ideas. It was simple but not very powerful because the user had not much control over the graphic pipeline. This is the reason why it has been deprecated more than ten years ago and you don't want to use it today. Problem is that there are a lot of tutorials online that still use this fixed pipeline and because most of them were written before modern GL, they're not even aware (and cannot) that they use a deprecated API.

How to know if a tutorial address the fixed pipeline? It's relatively easy. It'll contain GL commands such as:

glVertex, glColor, glLight, glMaterial, glBegin, glEnd, glMatrix,
glMatrixMode, glLoadIdentity, glPushMatrix, glPopMatrix, glRect,
glPolygonMode, glBitmap, glAphaFunc, glNewList, glDisplayList,
glPushAttrib, glPopAttrib, glVertexPointer, glColorPointer,
glTexCoordPointer, glNormalPointer, glRotate, glTranslate, glScale,
glMatrixMode, glCall,

If you see any of them in a tutorial, run away because it it's most certainly a tutorial that address the fixed pipeline and you don't want to read it because what you will learn is already useless. If you look at the GL history below, you'll realize that the "modern" GL API is already 13 years old while the fixed pipeline has been deprecated more than 10 years ago.

 1                       2         Modern              2
 9                       0         OpenGL              0               Vulkan
 9                       0           ↓                 1                 ↓
 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
OpenGL                                                3.3
                  1.2         1.4   2.0            3.2   4.2   4.4
1.0            1.1         1.3   1.5      2.1   3.0   4.1   4.3   4.5      4.6
           Fixed pipeline            ╎           Programmable pipeline
GLES                                    ╭─────╮                      3.2
                              1.0       │ 2.0 │             3.0   3.1
GLSL                                                  4.0   4.3   4.5      4.6
                                                1.3   4.1      4.4
                                                   1.4   4.2
                                    1.1   1.2      1.5
WebGL                                             1.0                      2.0
Vulkan                                                                  1.0

From OpenGL wiki: In 1992, Mark Segal and Kurt Akeley authored the OpenGL 1.0 specification which formalized a graphics API and made cross platform 3rd party implementation and support viable. In 2004, OpenGL 2.0 incorporated the significant addition of the OpenGL Shading Language (also called GLSL), a C like language with which the transformation and fragment shading stages of the pipeline can be programmed. In 2008, OpenGL 3.0 added the concept of deprecation: marking certain features as subject to removal in later versions.

Open Graphics Library (OpenGL)
OpenGL is a cross-language, cross-platform application programming interface (API) for rendering 2D and 3D vector graphics. The API is typically used to interact with a graphics processing unit (GPU), to achieve hardware-accelerated rendering.
OpenGL for Embedded Systems (OpenGL ES or GLES)
GLES is a subset of the OpenGL computer graphics rendering application programming interface (API) for rendering 2D and 3D computer graphics such as those used by video games, typically hardware-accelerated using a graphics processing unit (GPU).
OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)
GLSL is a high-level shading language with a syntax based on the C programming language. It was created by the OpenGL ARB (OpenGL Architecture Review Board) to give developers more direct control of the graphics pipeline
Web Graphics Library (WebGL)
WebGL is a JavaScript API for rendering 3D graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-ins. WebGL is integrated completely into all the web standards of the browser allowing GPU accelerated usage of physics and image processing and effects as part of the web page canvas.
Vulkan (VK)
Vulkan is a low-overhead, cross-platform 3D graphics and compute API first announced at GDC 2015 by the Khronos Group. Like OpenGL, Vulkan targets high-performance realtime 3D graphics applications such as video games and interactive media across all platforms, and can offer higher performance and more balanced CPU/GPU usage, much like Direct3D 12 and Mantle.

For this book, we'll use the GLES 2.0 API that allows to use the modern GL API while staying relatively simple. For comparison, have a look at the table below that gives the number of functions and constants for each version of the GL API. Note that once you'll master the GLES 2.0, it's only a matter of reading the documentation to take advantage of more advanced version because the core concepts remain the same (which is not the case for the new Vulkan API).


The number of functions and constants have been computed using the code/chapter-02/ program that parses the gl.xml file that defines the OpenGL and OpenGL API Registry

Version Constants Functions   Version Constants Functions
GL 1.0 0 306   GL 3.2 800 316
GL 1.1 528 336   GL 3.3 816 344
GL 1.2 569 340   GL 4.0 894 390
GL 1.3 665 386   GL 4.1 929 478
GL 1.4 713 433   GL 4.2 1041 490
GL 1.5 763 452   GL 4.3 1302 534
GL 2.0 847 545   GL 4.4 1321 543
GL 2.1 870 551   GL 4.5 1343 653
GL 3.0 1104 635   GLES 1.0 333 106
GL 3.1 1165 647   GLES 2.0 301 142


The shader language is called glsl. There are many versions that goes from 1.0 to 1.5 and subsequent version get the number of OpenGL version. Last version is 4.6 (June 2017).

If you want to understand modern OpenGL, you have to understand the graphic pipeline and shaders. Shaders are pieces of program (using a C-like language) that are built onto the GPU and executed during the rendering pipeline. To create the entire program in a single environment, we will write the shaders as strings in the midst of our Python script and later pass them to the GPU:

shader1 = """
   //shader1 programmed in GLSL
shader2 = """
   //shader2 programmed in GLSL

Depending on the nature of the shaders (there are many types depending on the version of OpenGL you're using), they will act at different stages of the rendering pipeline. To simplify this tutorial, we'll use only vertex and fragment shaders as shown below:


A vertex shader acts on vertices and is supposed to output the vertex position (gl_Position) on the viewport (i.e. screen). A fragment shader acts at the fragment level and is supposed to output the color (gl_FragColor) of the fragment. Hence, a minimal vertex shader is:

void main()
    gl_Position = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);

while a minimal fragment shader would be:

void main()
    gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);

These two shaders are not very useful because the first shader will always output the null vertex (gl_Position is a special variable) while the second will only output the black color for any fragment (gl_FragColor is also a special variable). We'll see later how to make them do more useful things.

One question remains: when are those shaders executed exactly? The vertex shader is executed for each vertex that is given to the rendering pipeline (we'll see excatly what that means later) and the fragment shader is executed on each fragment (= pixel) that is generated after the vertex stage. For example, in the simple figure above, the vertex would be called 3 times, once for each vertex (1,2 and 3) while the fragment shader would be executed 21 times, once for each fragment.

The next question is thus where do those vertices comes from? The idea of modern GL is that vertices are stored on the CPU and need to be uploaded to the GPU before rendering. The way to do that is to build buffers on the CPU and to send these buffers onto the GPU. If your data does not change, no need to upload them again. That is the big difference with the previous fixed pipeline where data were uploaded at each rendering call (only display lists were built into GPU memory).

But what is the structure of a vertex? OpenGL does not assume anything about your vertex structure and you're free to use as much information you may need for each vertex. The only condition is that all vertices from a buffer have the same structure (possibly with different content). This, again, is a big difference with the fixed pipeline where OpenGL was doing a lot of complex rendering stuff for you (projections, lighting, normals, etc.) with an implicit fixed vertex structure. The good news is that you're now free to do anything you want, but the bad news is that you have to program just about everything.

Let's take a simple example of a vertex structure where we want each vertex to hold a position and a color. The easiest way to do that in python is to use a structured array using numpy:

data = np.zeros(4, dtype = [ ("position", np.float32, 3),
                             ("color",    np.float32, 4)] )

We just created a CPU buffer with 4 vertices, each of them having a position (3 floats for x,y,z coordinates) and a color (4 floats for red, blue, green and alpha channels). Note that we explicitly chose to have 3 coordinates for position but we may have chosen to have only 2 if were to work in two-dimensions. Same holds true for color. We could have used only 3 channels (r,g,b) if we did not want to use transparency. This would save some bytes for each vertex. Of course, for 4 vertices, this does not really matter but you have to realize it will matter if your data size grows up to one or ten million vertices.

Now, we need to explain to our shaders what to do with these buffers and how to connect them together. So, let's consider again a CPU buffer of 4 vertices using 2 floats for position and 4 floats for color:

data = np.zeros(4, dtype = [ ("position", np.float32, 2),
                             ("color",    np.float32, 4)] )

We need to tell the vertex shader that it will have to handle vertices where a position is a tuple of 2 floats and color is a tuple of 4 floats. This is precisely what attributes are meant for. Let us change slightly our previous vertex shader:

attribute vec2 position;
attribute vec4 color;
void main()
    gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);

This vertex shader now expects a vertex to possess 2 attributes, one named position and one named color with specified types (vec2 means tuple of 2 floats and vec4 means tuple of 4 floats). It is important to note that even if we labeled the first attribute position, this attribute is not yet bound to the actual position in the numpy array. We'll need to do it explicitly at some point in our program and there is no magic that will bind the numpy array field to the right attribute; you'll have to do it yourself, but we'll see that later.

The second type of information we can feed the vertex shader is the uniform that may be considered as constant value (across all the vertices). Let's say for example we want to scale all the vertices by a constant factor scale, we would thus write:

uniform float scale;
attribute vec2 position;
attribute vec4 color;
void main()
    gl_Position = vec4(position*scale, 0.0, 1.0);

Last type is the varying type that is used to pass information between the vertex stage and the fragment stage. So let us suppose (again) we want to pass the vertex color to the fragment shader, we now write:

uniform float scale;
attribute vec2 position;
attribute vec4 color;
varying vec4 v_color;

void main()
    gl_Position = vec4(position*scale, 0.0, 1.0);
    v_color = color;

and then in the fragment shader, we write:

varying vec4 v_color;

void main()
    gl_FragColor = v_color;

The question is what is the value of v_color inside the fragment shader? If you look at the figure that introduced the gl pipeline, we have 3 vertices and 21 fragments. What is the color of each individual fragment?

The answer is the interpolation of all 3 vertices' color. This interpolation is made using the distance of the fragment to each individual vertex. This is a very important concept to understand. Any varying value is interpolated between the vertices that compose the elementary item (mostly, line or triangle).

Ok, enough for now, we'll see an explicit example in the next chapter.

Last, but not least, we need to access the OpenGL library from within Python and we have mostly two solutions at our disposal. Either we use pure bindings and we have to program everything (see next chapter) or we use an engine that provides a lot of convenient functions that ease the development. We'll first use the PyOpenGL bindings before using the glumpy library that offers a tight integration with numpy.

  • Pyglet is a pure python cross-platform application framework intended for game development. It supports windowing, user interface event handling, OpenGL graphics, loading images and videos and playing sounds and music. It works on Windows, OS X and Linux.
  • PyOpenGL is the most common cross platform Python binding to OpenGL and related APIs. The binding is created using the standard ctypes library, and is provided under an extremely liberal BSD-style Open-Source license.
  • ModernGL is a wrapper over OpenGL that simplifies the creation of simple graphics applications like scientific simulations, small games or user interfaces. Usually, acquiring in-depth knowledge of OpenGL requires a steep learning curve. In contrast, ModernGL is easy to learn and use, moreover it is capable of rendering with the same performance and quality, with less code written.
  • Ctypes bindings can also be generated quite easily thanks to the gl.xml file provided by the Khronos group that defines the OpenGL and OpenGL API Registry. The number of functions and constants given in the table above have been computed using the code/chapter-02/ program that parses the gl.xml file for each API and version and count the relevant features.
  • The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is an open-source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization. It consists of a C++ class library and several interpreted interface layers including Tcl/Tk, Java, and Python.
  • Processing is a programming language, development environment, and online community. Since 2001, Processing has promoted software literacy within the visual arts and visual literacy within technology. Today, there are tens of thousands of students, artists, designers, researchers, and hobbyists who use Processing for learning, prototyping, and production.
  • NodeBox for OpenGL is a free, cross-platform library for generating 2D animations with Python programming code. It is built on Pyglet and adopts the drawing API from NodeBox for Mac OS X. It has built-in support for paths, layers, motion tweening, hardware-accelerated image effects, simple physics and interactivity.
  • Panda3D is a 3D engine: a library of subroutines for 3D rendering and game development. The library is C++ with a set of Python bindings. Game development with Panda3D usually consists of writing a Python or C++ program that controls the Panda3D library.
  • VPython makes it easy to create navigable 3D displays and animations, even for those with limited programming experience. Because it is based on Python, it also has much to offer for experienced programmers and researchers.


Even though glumpy and vispy share a number of concepts, they are different. vispy offers a high-level interface that may be convenient in some situations but this tends to hide the internal machinery. This is one of the reasons we'll be using glumpy instead (the other reason being that I'm the author of glumpy (and one of the authors of vispy as well in fact)).

  • Glumpy is a python library for scientific visualization that is both fast, scalable and beautiful. Glumpy leverages the computational power of modern Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) through the OpenGL library to display very large datasets and offers an intuitive interface between numpy and modern OpenGL. We'll use it extensively in this book.
  • Vispy is the sister project of glumpy. It is a high-performance interactive 2D/3D data visualization library and offer a high-level interface for scientific visualization. The difference between glumpy and vispy is approximately the same as the difference between numpy and scipy even though vispy is independent of glumpy and vice-versa.