DS use registry to do the below three things:
- Store the metadata of master/worker so that it can get notify when nodes up and down.
- Store the metadata of worker to do load balance.
- Acquire a global lock when do failover.
So for DS, the registry need to notify the server when the server subscribe data have added/deleted/updated, support a way to create/release a global lock, delete the server's metadata when server down.
At present, we have implements three registry: Zookeeper(Default),Etcd,Mysql. If you want to use them, you should config it at resource/application.yaml. The configuration details can be viewed in the README of plugin under Module dolphinscheduler-registry-plugins
This module is used for exporting the implementation of registry. If you want to add new registry,you should add the dependency in the pom.xml
This module contains the relevant interfaces involved in the use of the registry. The following are several important interfaces
- Registry Interface: If you want to implement your own registry, you just need to implement this interface
- ConnectionListener Interface: This interface is responsible for the connection status between the client and the registry, The connection state can be viewed in ConnectionState.java
- SubscribeListener Interface: This interface is responsible for monitoring the state changes of child nodes under the specified prefix. Event content can be viewed in event.java
This module contains all registry implementations in DS