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An utility suite that gathers several functions related to a specific file or directory path.


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Repository files navigation


Path-JS joins several methods from Node's fs and path modules in a single class. These methods will work on a path specified on the class constructor, joining methods to manipulate both files and directories.


Just call the Path class, providing a path (or multiple paths) and you're ready to go!

import Path from 'path-js'

const file = 'path/to/file.txt'
const filePath = new Path(file)

Static methods


A static path resolver method.

  • Parameters:
    • ...paths string[] — The paths to be resolved.
  • Returns: string
import Path from 'path-js'

const file = 'path/to/file.txt'
const resolvedPath = Path.resolve(file)


Checks if a string resolves to a file or directory path. Returns false if the file does not exist.

  • Parameters:
    • ...paths string[] — The paths to be resolved.
  • Returns: boolean
import Path from 'path-js'

const file = 'path/to/file.txt'
const isValidPath = Path.isValidPath(file)

isAbsolute | isRelative()

These funcions check if the provided path is absolute or relative, respectivelly.

  • Parameters:

    • path PathLikeTypes — The path to be checked.
  • Returns: boolean A boolean value that tells if the provided path is absolute or relative.


Utility function that evaluates path-like variables to an instantiated Path class.

  • Parameters:

    • path PathLikeTypes — Any path as string or an instantiated Path class.
  • Returns: Path An instantiated Path class.

// You can create functions where it can accept both
// string and instantiated Path classes using the PathLikeTypes type!
const exampleFn = (srcPath: PathLikeTypes) => {
  // You can pass string or instantiated Path classes that will return
  // an instantiated Path class of the provided path.
  const src = Path.stringToPath(srcPath)

  // Now you can use Path-JS methods!
  const srcFileExists = src.exists()

  // ...

const anythingTXTString = 'path/to/anything.txt'
const anythingTXTClass = new Path(anythingTXTString)


Class methods


Synchronously checks if the path resolves to an existing file/directory.

  • Returns: boolean
import Path from 'path-js'

const file = 'path/to/file.txt'
const filePath = new Path(file)
const fileExists = filePath.exists()
console.log(typeof fileExists) // boolean


Synchronously checks the type (file or directory) of the path.

If the path resolves to an existing file/directory, it will check from the actual file/directory, otherwise it'll check based on the instantiated path extension.

NOTE: Checking the file by the path's extension may give you wrong results on special cases (eg. when checking the type of a file without extension, which results to a directory).

import Path from 'path-js'

const file = 'path/to/file.txt'
const filePath = new Path(file)
const fileType = filePath.type()
console.log(fileType) // 'file'


A more strict version of the Path.type() method, throwing an PathJSError if the path doesn't resolve to a file directory.

  • Returns: PathTypeValues
  • Throws: PathJSError if the class instance path doesn't resolve to a file/directory.
import Path from 'path-js'

const file = 'path/to/existing/file.txt'
const filePath = new Path(file)
const fileType = filePath.strictType()
console.log(fileType) // 'file'

const file = 'path/to/non-existing/file.txt'
const filePath = new Path(file)
const fileType = filePath.strictType() // Throws PathJSError

Path Type Checkers

Note: These path type checkers uses the Path.type() method to evaluate the path types rather then using Path.strictType(), that throws a PathJSError if the file/directory doesn't exist.


Checks if the instantiated class path resolves to a file.

  • Returns: boolean
import Path from 'path-js'

const file = 'path/to/file.txt'
const filePath = new Path(file)
const isFilePath = filePath.isFilePath()
console.log(isFilePath) // true


Checks if the instantiated class path resolves to a directory.

  • Returns: boolean
import Path from 'path-js'

const dir = 'path/to/directory'
const dirPath = new Path(dir)
const isDirPath = filePath.isDirPath()
console.log(isDirPath) // true

Path editors


Returns a resolved path based on the instantiated class path and its type.

The path can be both absolute or a relative path. Relative paths behave differently based on the path.type() method:

  • If the instantiated class path resolves to a file, the provided relative path will be resolved from this file root directory.

  • If the instantiated class path resolves to a directory, the provided relative path will be resolved from this directory itself.

  • Parameters:

    • newPath string — The new path to be resolved
  • Returns: string

import Path from 'path-js'

// Resolving file paths
const file = 'path/to/file.txt'
const filePath = new Path(file)
const newFilePath = filePath.resolve('./other-file.txt')
console.log(newFilePath) // 'path/to/other-file.txt'

// Resolving diirectory paths
const dir = 'path/to/directory'
const dirPath = new Path(file)
const newDirPath = filePath.resolve('../')
console.log(newDirPath) // 'path/to'


Returns a new path with changed file name and extension.

  • Parameters:
    • newFileName string | null — The new file name.
    • newFileExt? string | undefinedOPTIONAL The new file extension.
  • Returns: string
  • Throws: PathJSError if the instantiated class path type is not a file.
import Path from 'path-js'

// Resolving file paths
const file = 'path/to/file.txt'
const filePath = new Path(file)
const newFilePath = filePath.changeFileName('other-file', 'bin')
console.log(newFilePath) // 'path/to/other-file.bin'


Returns a new path with changed file extension.

  • Parameters:
    • newFileExt string — The new file extension.
  • Returns: string
  • Throws: PathJSError if the instantiated class path type is not a file.
import Path from 'path-js'

// Resolving file paths
const file = 'path/to/file.txt'
const filePath = new Path(file)
const newFilePath = filePath.changeFileExt('bin')
console.log(newFilePath) // 'path/to/file.bin'


Returns a new path with changed directory name.

  • Parameters:
    • newDirName string — The new directory name.
  • Returns: string
  • Throws: PathJSError if the instantiated class path type is not a directory.
import Path from 'path-js'

// Resolving file paths
const dir = 'path/to/directory'
const dirPath = new Path(dir)
const newDirPath = dirPath.changeDirName('bin')
console.log(newDirPath) // 'path/to/bin'

Class converters


Calls all synchronous methods from this class and return all results on an object.

import Path from 'path-js'

const file = 'path/to/file.txt'
const filePath = new Path(file)
const fileObject = filePath.toJSON()

console.log(fileObject.path) // 'path/to/file.txt'
console.log(typeof fileObject.exists) // boolean
console.log(fileObject.type) // 'file'
console.log(fileObject.root) // 'path/to'
console.log( // 'file'
console.log(fileObject.fullname) // 'file.txt'
console.log(fileObject.ext) // '.txt'


Returns a stringified JSON representation of this Path class instance.

  • Parameters:
    • replacer? (string | number)[] | nullOPTIONAL An array of strings and numbers that acts as an approved list for selecting the object properties that will be stringified.
    • space? numberOPTIONAL Adds indentation, white space, and line break characters to the return-value JSON text to make it easier to read.
  • Returns: string
import Path from 'path-js'

const file = 'C:\\Users\\Ruggery\\Documents\\Visual Studio Code\\js\\path-js\\package.json'
const filePath = new Path(file)
const fileObjectToString = filePath.toString()

console.log(fileObjectToString) // {"path":"C:\\Users\\Ruggery\\Documents\\Visual Studio Code\\js\\path-js\\path\\to\\file.txt","exists":false,"type":"file","root":"C:\\Users\\Ruggery\\Documents\\Visual Studio Code\\js\\path-js\\path\\to","name":"file","fullname":"file.txt","ext":".txt"}

File methods

These methods are meant to manipulate files. Some of them has synchronous and asynchonous versions of the same method.


Asynchronously opens a file handler.

  • Parameters:
    • flags? string | numberOPTIONAL The file system flag. See the supported flags here. Default is 'r' (Read).
  • Returns: FileHandle
  • Throws: PathJSError if the class instance path doesn't resolve to a file.
import Path from 'path-js'

const file = 'path/to/file.txt'
const filePath = new Path(file)

const fileHandler = await filePath.openFile()

// any FileHandle operation, but remember to close the handler!

readFile() / readFileSync()

Reads a file contents.

  • Parameters:
    • encoding? BufferEncodingOrNullOPTIONAL The encoding of the file. If undefined, it will be returned as a Buffer.
  • Returns:
    • string — If you specify an encoding argument.
    • Buffer — If you don't specify an encoding argument.
  • Throws: PathJSError if the class instance path doesn't resolve to a file.
import Path from 'path-js'

const file = 'path/to/file.txt'
const filePath = new Path(file)

const fileContentsAsBuffer = await filePath.readFile()

readJSONFile() / readJSONFileSync()

Reads a JSON file and automatically parses the JSON file to JavaScript Object.

  • Parameters:
    • encoding? BufferEncodingOPTIONAL The encoding of the file. Default is 'utf-8'.
  • Returns:
    • T — The parsed JSON file as JavaScript object.
  • Throws:
    • PathJSError if the class instance path doesn't resolve to a file.
    • PathJSError if there's any known error on the parsing process.
    • Error if there's any unknown error on the parsing process.
import Path from 'path-js'

type ParsedJSON = {
  key1: string

const file = 'path/to/json_file.json'
const filePath = new Path(file)

const parsedJSON = await filePath.readJSONFile<ParsedJSON>()

writeFile() / writeFileSync()

Creates a new file with provided data and returns the created file path.

  • Parameters:
    • data FileWriteDataTypes — The content you want to write.
    • encoding? BufferEncodingOrNullOPTIONAL The encoding of the content.
  • Returns: string — The path of the created file.
  • Throws: PathJSError if an error occurs on the file writing process.
import Path from 'path-js'

const file = 'path/to/file.txt'
const filePath = new Path(file)

const fileNewContents = 'example text'
await filePath.writeFile(fileNewContents, 'utf8')

writeFileWithBOM() / writeFileWithBOMSync()

Creates a new file with a Byte-Order Mark (BOM) and the provided data and returns the created file path.

  • Parameters:
    • data string | Buffer — The content you want to write.
    • encoding? BufferEncodingBOMOPTIONAL The encoding of the content. If no argument is provided, the file will be saved as UTF-8 with BOM.
  • Returns: string — The path of the created file.
  • Throws: PathJSError if an error occurs on the file writing process.

deleteFile() / deleteFileSync()

Deletes the file resolved on the class instance path.

  • Throws: PathJSError if the class instance path doesn't resolve to an existing file.
import Path from 'path-js'

const file = 'path/to/file_to_be_deleted.txt'
const filePath = new Path(file)
await filePath.deleteFile()

checkThenDeleteFile() / checkThenDeleteFileSync()

Checks if the file exists and delete it.

  • Throws: PathJSError if the instantiated class path type is not a file.
import Path from 'path-js'

const file = 'path/to/file_to_be_deleted.txt'
const filePath = new Path(file)

// Using this method...
await filePath.checkThenDeleteFile()

// Is the same thing as doing this:
if (filePath.exists()) await filePath.deleteFile()

renameFile() / renameFileSync()

Rename/move a file based on a provided new path and returns the new path.

Both absolute and relative paths are accepted. Relative paths will resolve from the class instantiated path root directory.

  • Parameters:
    • newPath string — The new location of the file.
  • Returns: Promise<string> — The new path of the renamed/moved file as string.
  • Throws: PathJSError if the provided new path location resolves to an already existing file.
import Path from 'path-js'

const oldFile = 'path/to/file_to_be_renamed.txt'
const oldFilePath = new Path(file)

const newFilePath = 'path/to/renamed_file.txt'
await filePath.renameFile(newFilePath)

console.log(oldFilePath.exists()) // false, since it was renamed/moved.

copyFile() / copyFileSync()

Copies a file to the provided new path and returns the new path.

  • Parameters:
    • destPath string — The new location where you want to copy the file to.
  • Returns: Promise<string> — The path where the file was copied.
  • Throws: PathJSError if the provided new path location resolves to an already existing file.
import Path from 'path-js'

const srcFile = 'path/to/file_to_be_copied.txt'
const srcFilePath = new Path(file)

const destFilePath = 'path/to/copied_file.txt'

// Create a simple statement to delete the destination path file
// and copies the source file to destination path.
if (srcFilePath.exists()) await srcFilePath.checkThenDeleteFile()
await srcFilePath.copyFile(destFilePath)


Asynchronously creates a file write stream and returns a FileWriteStreamReturnObject object, that contains two values: stream (The actual file write stream), and once (A promise that will be resolved when you close the file write stream).

  • Returns: FileWriteStreamReturnObject
  • Throws: PathJSError if the class instance path doesn't resolve to a file.
import Path from 'path-js'

const file = 'path/to/file.txt'
const filePath = new Path(file)
const { stream, once } = await filePath.createFileWriteStream()

// Write some data
const fileNewContents = 'example text'

// Close stream

// Add this line to make the whole process sequential
await once


Asynchronously opens the file resolved from the class instance path, reads only the bytes after the specified offset, closes it and returns the content as a Buffer.

  • Parameters:

    • byteOffset number — The offset start where the file will be read.
    • byteLength? numberOPTIONAL The length of the bytes to want to be read. If undefined, it will read the entire file, starting from the provided offset.
  • Returns: Buffer

  • Throws: PathJSError if the class instance path doesn't resolve to an existing file.

import Path from 'path-js'

const file = 'path/to/binary_file.bin'
const filePath = new Path(file)

// Assuming you want to manipulate the file header and
// it has a length of 64 bytes (0x40)...
const fileHeader = await filePath.readFileOffset(0x0, 0x40)

Directory methods

These methods are meant to manipulate directories or contents inside of them. Some of them has synchronous and asynchonous versions of the same method.

createFileOnDir() | createFileOnDirSync()

Creates a file inside the class instance directory path and returns the created file path.

  • Parameters:
    • filename string — The name of the new file to be created.
    • data? FileWriteDataTypes | nullOPTIONAL The content of the new file to be created.
    • encoding? BufferEncodingOrNullOPTIONAL The encoding of the content.
  • Returns: string
  • Throws: PathJSError — if the provided file already exists.
import Path from 'path-js'

const dir = 'path/to/a/directory'
const dirPath = new Path(dir)

const newFilePath = await dir.touch('newfile.txt', 'Hello, World')
console.log(newFilePath) // 'path/to/a/directory/newfile.txt'

readDir() / readDirSync()

Reads all directory files and returns their paths on an Array.

  • Parameters:
    • asAbsolutePaths? booleanOPTIONAL If true, the path of all files from the folder will be absolute paths rather than just the file/directory names. Default is false.
  • Returns: string[]
  • Throws: PathJSError if the class instance path doesn't resolve to an existing directory.
import Path from 'path-js'

const dir = 'path/to/a/directory'
const dirPath = new Path(dir)

// Assuming you have two files called "test.txt" and "other.txt"
// inside the "path/to/a/directory"...
const dirContents = await dirPath.readDir()

console.log(dirContents) // ['test.txt', 'other.txt']

mkDir() / mkDirSync()

Creates a directory and returns the created directory path.

  • Parameters:
    • recursive? booleanOPTIONAL Indicates whether parent folders should be created. If a folder was created, the path to the first created folder will be returned. Default is false.
  • Returns: string
  • Throws: PathJSError if the class instance path resolves to an existing directory.
import Path from 'path-js'

const dir = 'path/to/a/directory'
const dirPath = new Path(dir)
console.log(dir.exists()) // false

const dirPathAgain = await dirPath.mkDir()
console.log(dir.exists()) // true
console.log(dirPathAgain) // 'path/to/a/directory'
console.log(dirPath.path === dirPathAgain) // true

deleteDir() / deleteDirSync

Deletes a directory and all its contents.

  • Parameters:
    • recursive? booleanOPTIONAL If true, perform a recursive directory removal. In recursive mode, operations are retried on failure. Default is true.
  • Throws: PathJSError if the class instance path doesn't resolve to an existing directory.
import Path from 'path-js'

const dir = 'path/to/a/directory/to/be/deleted'
const dirPath = new Path(dir)

const dirContents = await dirPath.rmDir()