ReṼoman is an API automation tool for JVM (Java/Kotlin) from the API-first SaaS company, Salesforce. It re-imagines API automation by letting you execute a Postman collection in a JVM program/test.
To start with, think of it as Postman for JVM (Java/Kotlin); that emulates the Postman Collection Runner through a Java program, essentially translating your manual testing into Automation, without any loss or resistance. But it’s even better!
It strikes a balance between flexibility provided by low-level tools like REST Assured or Cucumber and ease of use provided by UI tools like Postman.
The fundamental principle of this tool is to automate your Postman collection on JVM without compromising on Manual testing. Which means the collections used in JVM automation can be maintained to always be ready for Manually trying them out importing into Postman.
Why not use Newman or Postman CLI?
ReṼoman may be similar to Newman or Postman CLI when it comes to executing a Postman collection, but the similarities end there
Newman or Postman CLI are built for node and cannot be executed within a JVM. Even if you are able to run in some hacky way, there is no easy way to assert results.
ReṼoman is JVM first that lets you seamlessly integrate with your existing Java ecosystem. It lets you configure more — for example, the Hooks feature lets you plug in your custom JVM code in-between the execution.
ReṼoman has a strong emphasis on Type-Safety, leveraging JVM strong types over JSON for writing assertions and custom code
Read more in the USP
Gradle Kts
Minimum Java Version required = 21
The majority of JVM SaaS applications are REST-based. But the API automation is done through a Mul-T-verse of Integration/Functional tests, E2E tests and Manual tests, each with its own frameworks, tools, and internal utilities, testing almost the same code flow.
These custom alien automation frameworks, often built using low-level tools like REST Assured, are specific to a service or domain and are rigid to reuse, extend and difficult to maintain.
This automation competes on cognitive complexity and learning curve with the Prod code, and mostly, automation wins.
After a point, the API automation may deviate from its purpose of augmenting real end-user interaction and turns into a foot-chain for development.
Contrary to these custom frameworks, almost every team uses Postman for manual testing their APIs. Postman collections contain a lot of information about your APIs and the order in which they need to be executed for manual testing, in a Structured Template. Leveraging it can mitigate writing a lot of code as we translate those manual steps into automation.
How productive would it be, if you could plug your exported Postman collection template, that you anyway would have created for your manual testing and executed through your JVM tests?
How about a Universal API automation tool that promotes low code and low-cognitive-complexity and strikes a balance between flexibility and ease of use?
The exported Postman collection JSON file is referred to as a Postman template, as it contains some placeholders/variables in the {{variable-key}}
pattern. You can read more about it here.
This is a popular and proven pattern that interconnects multiple requests like a Graph. This is not unique to Postman, but Postman is popular and familiar in the dev community and has a full-blown UI, which makes it an attractive choice to support Postman templates. But that said, ReṼoman is modular, and the implementation is not coupled with any Postman related contracts. In the future, we can think of supporting more template formats
Variables, e.g.,
Nested variables, e.g.,
Dynamic variables, e.g.,
In the case of collision between variable keys, the precedence order to derive a value to replace any key is:
Custom Dynamic variables
Generated Dynamic variables
Dynamic Environment supplied through config + Environment built during execution + Postman environment supplied as a file through config
For Dynamic variables, which gets populated from Java code, use $ sign within a variable to indicate it needs to be populated during manual testing.E.g.: {{$unitPrice}}
You can kick off this Template-Driven Testing by invoking ReVoman.revUp()
supplying your Postman templates and environments, and all your customizations through a Configuration:
final var rundown =
Here is a simple Exported Postman collection and Environment JSON files,
to hit a free public RESTFUL-API.
You can import and manually test this collection through the Run collection
button like this:
You can automate the same using ReṼoman in a Junit test by supplying the template and environment path:
void restfulApiDev() {
final var rundown =
ReVoman.revUp( // (1)
.templatePath(PM_COLLECTION_PATH) // (2)
.environmentPath(PM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH) // (3)
assertThat(rundown.firstUnIgnoredUnsuccessfulStepReport()).isNull(); // (4)
assertThat(rundown.stepReports).hasSize(4); // (5)
is the method to call passing a configuration, built as below -
Supply an exported Postman collection JSON file path
Supply an exported Postman environment JSON file path
Assert that the execution doesn’t have any failures
Run more assertions on the Rundown
After all this, you receive back a detailed Rundown in return. It contains everything you need to know about what happened in an execution, such that you can seamlessly run more assertions on top of the run.
val stepReports: List<StepReport>,
val mutableEnv: PostmanEnvironment<Any?>)
step: Step,
requestInfo: Either<RequestFailure, TxnInfo<Request>>? = null, // (1)
preStepHookFailure: PreStepHookFailure? = null,
responseInfo: Either<ResponseFailure, TxnInfo<Response>>? = null,
postStepHookFailure: PostStepHookFailure? = null,
envSnapshot: PostmanEnvironment<Any?> // (2)
type from the VAVR library represents either of the two states, used here to represent error or success -
Snapshot of Environment at the end of each step execution. It can be compared with previous or next step environment snapshots to see what changed in this step
has many convenient methods to ease applying further assertions on top of it. Checkout its IDE Debugger view
Other simple examples to see in Action: |
ReṼoman isn’t just limited to executing Collection like Postman; you can add more bells and whistles 🔔:
final var pqRundown =
ReVoman.revUp( // (1)
.templatePaths(PQ_TEMPLATE_PATHS) // (2)
.environmentPath(PQ_ENV_PATH) // (3)
.dynamicEnvironment( // (4)
"$quoteFieldsToQuery", "LineItemCount, CalculationStatus",
"$qliFieldsToQuery", "Id, Product2Id",
"$qlrFieldsToQuery", "Id, QuoteId, MainQuoteLineId, AssociatedQuoteLineId"))
.customDynamicVariableGenerator( // (5)
(ignore1, ignore2, ignore3) -> String.valueOf(Random.Default.nextInt(999) + 1))
.nodeModulesRelativePath("js") // (6)
afterAllStepsContainingHeader("ignoreHTTPStatusUnsuccessful")) // (7)
.requestConfig( // (8)
.responseConfig( // (9)
.hooks( // (10)
(step, requestInfo, rundown) -> {
if (requestInfo.containsHeader(IS_SYNC_HEADER)) {"This is a Sync step: {}", step);
(stepReport, ignore) -> {
validatePQResponse(stepReport); // (11)
final var isSyncStep =
if (!isSyncStep) {
"Waiting in PostHook of the Async Step: {}, for the Quote's Asynchronous processing to finish",
// ! CAUTION 10/09/23 gopala.akshintala: This can be flaky until
// polling is implemented
(stepReport, ignore) -> validateCompositeGraphResponse(stepReport)),
(ignore, rundown) -> assertAfterPQCreate(rundown.mutableEnv)))
.globalCustomTypeAdapter(new IDAdapter()) // (12)
.insecureHttp(true) // (13)
.off()); // Kick-off
assertThat(pqRundown.firstUnIgnoredUnsuccessfulStepReport()).isNull(); // (14)
"quoteCalculationStatusForSkipPricing", PricingPref.Skip.completeStatus,
"quoteCalculationStatus", PricingPref.System.completeStatus,
"quoteCalculationStatusAfterAllUpdates", PricingPref.System.completeStatus));
is the method to call passing a configuration, built as below -
Supply the path (relative to resources) to the Template Collection JSON file/files
Supply the path (relative to resources) to the Environment JSON file/files
Supply any dynamic environment that is runtime-specific
Node modules path (relative to resources) to be used inside Pre-req and Post-res scripts
Ignore Java cert issues when firing HTTP calls. To be used only for local testing, like hitting localhost
Run more assertions on the Rundown
Config built using Kick.configure()
is Immutable.
When there are many tests leveraging the same config with minor modifications, You can define a common config and add your variations (like add more hooks),
using override…()
which are present for all config attributes, to create a new instance of config.
The new instance created from common config using override…() replaces the attributes.
For iterable attributes (like
etc), intentionally there are no methods toadd
attributes when creating new instance, to prevent any mix-up with the order of attributes. You can use any collection appending utilities to prepend/append previous hooks.
POKEMON_COMMON_CONFIG.overrideHooks(, post(.../*My Hooks*/))
You can also construct a new instance by accumulating attributes from other instances using
method, like below:
Iterable attributes (like List , Map etc) accept an Iterable . If you are particular about the order, make sure to pass an Ordered instance of Iterable (like ArrayList )
This tool has a particular emphasis on the Debugging experience.Here is what a debugger view of a Rundown looks like:
🔍 Let’s zoom into a detailed view of one of these Step reports, which contains complete Request and Response info along with failure information if any:
Here are the environment key-value pairs accumulated along the entire execution and appended to the environment from the file and dynamicEnvironment
A Step waterfalls through all these stages and if there is any exception at any stage,
the step procedure fails-fast, and ReṼoman captures the Failure
in the respective StepReport:
Here is the failure hierarchy of what can go wrong in this process
ReṼoman logs all the key operations that happen inside its source-code, including how a step mutates environment variables in its Pre-req and Post-res scripts. Watch your console to check what’s going on in the execution or troubleshoot from CI/CD logs
📝Sample log printed during execution |
If the execution halts due to any failure, the failure and failed step information can be found in the logs for easy troubleshooting |
Postman operates purely with JSON. When interoperating Postman with JVM, unmarshalling/deserialization of JSON into a POJO and vice versa helps in writing Type-safe JVM code and enhances the debugging experience on JVM.
ReṼoman internally uses a modern JSON library called Moshi. Simple types whose JSON structure aligns with the POJO data structure can directly be converted. But when the JSON structure may not align with the POJO, you may need a Custom Type Adapter for Marshalling to JSON or Unmarshalling from JSON. Moshi has it covered for you with its advanced adapter mechanism and ReṼoman accepts Moshi adapters via these config methods:
There may be a POJO that inherits or contains legacy types that are hard or impossible to serialize.
ReṼoman lets you serialize only types that matter, through globalSkipTypes
where you can filter out these legacy types from Marshalling/Unmarshalling
Configure Moshi adapters to unmarshall/deserialize Request JSON payload to a POJO on certain steps.
You may use the bundled static factory methods named
for expressiveness. -
You can pass a
which is aPredicate
used to qualify a step whose Request JSON payload needs to be unmarshalled/deserialized. -
If you have set up
once in the config, wherever you wish to read the request in your Pre-Step Hooks, you can callstepReport.requestInfo.get().<TypeT>getTypedTxnObj()
which returns your request JSON as a Strong type.
Configure Moshi adapters to unmarshall/deserialize Response JSON payload to a POJO on certain steps.
You can configure separate adapters for success and error response. Success or Error response is determined by default with HTTP Status Code (SUCCESSFUL:
200 < = statusCode < = 299
). -
Use bundled static factory methods like
for expressiveness. -
You can pass a
which is aPredicate
used to qualify a step whose Response JSON payload needs to be unmarshalled/deserialized. -
If you have set up
once, wherever you wish to read or assert the response in your Post-Step Hooks, you can callstepReport.responseInfo.get().<TypeT>getTypedTxnObj()
which returns your response JSON as a Strong type.
These come handy when the same POJO/Data structure (e.g.
) is present across multiple Request or Response POJOs. These adapters compliment the custom adapters setup inrequestConfig()
wherever these types are present.
If you don’t configure any adapters, you can either pass the adapter at runtime using the overload stepReport.requestInfo.get().<TypeT>getTypedTxnObj(type, customAdapters, customAdaptersForType) or Moshi by default unmarshalls the step’s request/response JSON into a generic data structures like LinkedHashMap
All these adapters supplied from various config methods per a revUp() execution are appended to the same Moshi instance created in that thread. Read more about Moshi adapter composition. This means you don’t have to supply the adapters repeatedly for the same type. This also means your adapters may get overridden unexpectedly. Keep this in mind while troubleshooting any serialize/deserialize issues. If you wish to manage Moshi yourself, you can get a copy of internal Moshi via pokeRundown.mutableEnv.moshiReVoman().internalMoshiCopy() .
ReṼoman also comes bundled with JSON Reader utils and JSON Writer utils to help build Moshi adapters.
Refer ConnectInputRepWithGraphAdapter on how these utils come in handy in building an advanced Moshi adapter |
The bundled JSON POJO Utils can be used to directly to convert JSON to POJO and vice versa.
See in Action: |
If an exception is thrown during the procedure of any step, the Step Procedure fails fast for that step. However, the execution of next steps won’t halt by default. You can configure this behavior to fail-fast using the below Configuration options:
— This defaults tofalse
. If set totrue
, the execution of steps fails-fast when it encounters a failure. This also halts if there is an HTTP error response -
— You may configure to Fail-fast only for a specific Failure type by providing anExeType
. Along with it, you may provide aPostTxnStepPick
which is used to check if a Step can be ignored for that specific failure type or halt the execution of next steps
These Configuration options, as their names suggest, let you conditionally run or skip steps in a chain of steps from the template, without the need to change the template.
— These accept apredicate
of typeExeStepPick
, which is invoked passing the currentStep
instance to decide whether to execute or skip a step.
There are some ExeStepPick predicates
bundled with ReṼoman under ExeStepPick.PickUtils
e.g withName ,
inFolder etc. You can write a custom predicate of your own too.
You don’t have to squash all your steps into one mega collection. Instead, you can break them into easy-to-manage modular collections.
accepts a list of collection paths throughtemplatePaths()
But that doesn’t mean you have to execute all these templates in one-go. You can make multiple
calls for different collections. -
If you wish to compose these executions in a specific order, you can use the
overload which accepts a varargKick
You can also achieve the same yourself, by adding the previous execution’s
to the current execution using thedynamicEnvironment
parameter. This also comes in handy when you wish to execute a common step (e.g.UserSetup
) inside a Test setup method and use that environment for all the tests.
A hook lets you fiddle with the execution by plugging in your custom JVM code before or after a Step execution.
You can pass a PreTxnStepPick/PostTxnStepPick
which is a Predicate
to qualify a step for Pre-Step/Post-Step Hook respectively.
ReṼoman comes
bundled with some predicates under the namespace PreTxnStepPick.PickUtils
e.g beforeStepContainingURIPathOfAny()
etc. If those don’t fit your needs, you can write your own custom predicates like below:
final var preTxnStepPick = (currentStep, requestInfo, rundown) ->"Picked `preLogHook` before stepName: {}", currentStep)
final var postTxnStepPick = (stepReport, rundown) ->"Picked `postLogHook` after stepName: {}", stepReport.step.displayName)
Add them to the config as below:
(currentStepName, requestInfo, rundown) -> {
(currentStepName, rundown) -> {
You can do things like assertion on the rundown, Response Validations, or even mutate the environment with a value you programmatically derived, such that the execution of later steps picks up those changes.
Reserve hooks for plugging in your custom code or asserting and fail-fast in the middle of execution. If your assertions can wait till the final rundown, it’s cleaner to write them after the
returns the rundown instead of adding hooks for each step
You can plug in your java code
to create/generate values for environment variables
which can be populated and picked-up by subsequent steps.
For example, you may want some xyzId
but you don’t have a Postman collection to create it.
Instead, you have a Java utility to generate/create it.
You can invoke the utility in a pre-hook of a step and set the value in rundown.mutableEnv
so the later steps can pick up value for {{xyzId}}
variable from the environment.
When a Step qualifies for more than one hook, hooks are executed in the same sequence they are configured, either using hooks() or overrideHooks() . Both these methods accept an iterable . Make sure to pass an Ordered Iterable (like ArrayList ), if you are particular about Order in which hooks should execute for a Step.
Post-Hooks are the best place to validate response right after the step.
If you have configured a strong type for your response through
, you can write type-safe validations by extracting your Strong type Object usingstepReport.responseInfo.get().<TypeT>getTypedTxnObj()
(if you have configuredresponseConfig()
) or useJsonPojoUtils.jsonToPojo(TypeT, stepReport.responseInfo.get().httpMsg.bodyString())
to convert it inline. -
If your response data structure is non-trivial and has requirements to execute validations with different strategies like
, consider using a library like Vador
Postman lets you write custom JavaScript in Pre-req and Post-res tabs that get executed before and after a step respectively. When you export the collection as a template, these scripts also come bundled.
ReṼoman can execute this JavaScript on JVM. This support ensures that the Postman collection used for manual testing can be used as-is for the automation also, without any resistance to modify or overhead of maintaining separate versions for manual and automation.
Pre-req JS script is executed as the first step before Unmarshall request.
Post-res JS script is executed right after receiving an HTTP response.
ReṼoman supports using
modules inside your Pre-req and Post-res JS scripts. You can installnpm
modules in any folder using traditional commands likenpm install <module>
and supply in theKick
config, the relative path of the parent folder that contains thenode_modules
folder usingnodeModulesRelativePath(…)
. Use thosenpm
modules inside your scripts withrequire(…)
, for example:
with npmnpm install moment
var moment = require("moment")
var _ = require('lodash')
pm.environment.set("$currentDate", moment().format(("YYYY-MM-DD")))
var futureDateTime = moment().add(365, 'days')
pm.environment.set('$randomFutureDate', futureDateTime.format('YYYY-MM-DD'))
pm.environment.set("$quantity", _.random(1, 10))
The recommendation is not to add too much code in Pre-req and Post-res scripts, as it’s not intuitive to troubleshoot through debugging. Use it for simple operations that can be understood without debugging, and use Pre-Step /Post-Step Hooks for any non-trivial operations, which are intuitive to debug. |
Environment is the only mutable-shared state across step executions, which can be used for data passing between the consumer and the library.
This can be mutated (set key-value pairs) through Pre-req and Post-res scripts (using
) and Pre-Step /Post-Step Hooks (using the referencerundown.mutableEnv
) during execution.
You may want to troubleshoot manually with Postman using the Mutable environment built during the ReṼoman execution.
converts the mutable environment into a Postman JSON format,
so you can copy and import that environment conveniently into Postman.
You do NOT need to save the copied Postman environment JSON from the debugger into file. You can paste (kbd:[Ctrl+v]) directly in the Postman environment window |
You can read any value from mutableEnv as a Strong type using rundown.mutableEnv.<TypeT>getTypedObj()
See it in action: getTypedObj()
test from PostmanEnvironmentTest
ReṼoman comes
bundled with some Dynamic variable generators.
If the in-built dynamic variables don’t fit your needs, you can plug your own dynamic variable generator,
by providing an instance of CustomDynamicVariableGenerator
This shall
be invoked to generate a value for your custom variable-key in the template at runtime
Custom dynamic variable generators have the top most precedence for variable resolution. This can be leveraged to override variables set via any other way. |
Here is an example of a low-code E2E test that automates ~75 steps |
Compared to a traditional Integration/Functional or E2E test, approximately, the amount of code needed is 89% less using ReṼoman. The above test doesn’t just have low code, but also low in Cognitive Complexity and Transparent in what it does.
Familiarity with Postman gets you a long way in understanding this tool. Playing with the existing Integration Tests and writing a couple of hands-on tests should get you started quickly.
ReṼoman is like any JVM library that you can plug into any JVM program/test (e.g., JUnit tests or Integration tests).
Apart from adding a dependency in the build tool, there is no extra setup needed to execute these tests with ReṼoman in CI/CD.
A nice side effect is, this lets the Postman collections always stay up to date and the entire Postman collection guards each check-in in the form of a Test suite augmenting manual testing.
Any day, you can find an up-to-date Postman collection for every feature you need to test, right in your VCS (Git) along with your code. Developers can import these templates directly from VCS into Postman for manual testing. This comes in very handy during a team blitz.
ReṼoman brings a Unified & Simplified Test strategy across the mul-T-verse (Integration Tests, E2E Tests, and Manual testing with Postman) for any API.
The automation stays as close as possible to Persona-based Manual testing, leading to Transparency and better Traceability of issues
This forces engineers to think like API-first customers while writing tests.
Test Data setup: You can use the ReṼoman for the Test data setup too. This eliminates the need for different teams to write their own internal utilities for data setup.
E2E Test can even reside outside the Service repo, as long as it can hit the service API
The future looks bright with multiple impactful features in the pipeline:
API metrics and Analytics
It’s built with extensibility in mind. It can easily be extended to support other template formats, such as Kaiju templates used for availability testing.
In-built polling support for Async steps
Payload generation
Flow control through YAML config
You can add a pre-hook to the Step you are interested and add a debug point inside that. This gets hit before ReṼoman fires the request in that Step
You can get more adventurous by attaching revoman jar sources and directly adding conditional debug points inside this library source-code. You can search for logs in the source-code that indicate key operations to add conditional debug points with conditions like StepName etc.
You can add key-value pairs to a Step’s HTTP Headers section (e.g.,
). -
You can use this information in Step Picks or Pre-Step and Post-Step Hooks to identify a particular step to execute any conditional logic
You don’t have to. This is a JVM-first tool, and you can interlace your TestUtils through Pre-Step/Post-Step Hooks
This CONTRIBUTING doc has all the information to set up this library on your local and get hands-on.
Any issues or PRs are welcome!
♥️ -
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