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121 lines (87 loc) · 4.05 KB

File metadata and controls

121 lines (87 loc) · 4.05 KB


Build Status Codacy Badge License: MIT

An easy, fast, and robust library to parse C/C++ source.


  • No pre-processing, and preprocessors are part of the ast.
  • Most comments are preserved too.
  • Developed from scratch and uses back-tracking yacc (BtYacc) to write C++ grammer, that means no dependency on libclang.
  • The result of parsing is an AST where elements of a file are arranged in a tree.
  • Minimum dependency. Only external dependency is a lexer which is by default available on unix like platforms (Linux, Mac, etc.) and Flex for Windows is bundled with the project so it works out of the box on all Windows platforms too.
  • Parsing of multi-file program is supported too.


CppParser can be used to build tools that need parsing of C/C++ files. I am using it to develop cib which implements ABI stable SDK architecture for C++ library.


To begin with we will see an example of parsing a hello-world program and see what is the AST that CppParser creates:

#include <iostream>

int main()
  std::cout << "Hello, World!\n";

  return 0;

For the above hello-world program we can expect that when it is parsed the generated AST should look like following: AST for Hello World program

So, how we are going to access these elements of AST using CppParser? Below is the program written as unit-test for validating the correctness of generated AST:

#include <catch/catch.hpp>

#include "cppparser/cppparser.h"

#include <filesystem>

namespace fs = std::filesystem;

TEST_CASE("Parsing hello world program")
  cppparser::CppParser parser;
  const auto           testFilePath = fs::path(__FILE__).parent_path() / "test-files/hello-world.cpp";
  const auto           ast          = parser.parseFile(testFilePath.string());

  const auto members = GetAllOwnedEntities(*ast);
  REQUIRE(members.size() == 2);

  const cppast::CppConstPreprocessorIncludeEPtr hashInclude = members[0];
  CHECK(hashInclude->name() == "<iostream>");

  cppast::CppConstFunctionEPtr func = members[1];
  CHECK(func->name() == "main");

  const auto mainBodyMembers = GetAllOwnedEntities(*func->defn());
  REQUIRE(mainBodyMembers.size() == 2);

  cppast::CppConstBinomialExprEPtr coutHelloWorld = mainBodyMembers[0];
  CHECK(coutHelloWorld->oper() == cppast::CppBinaryOperator::INSERTION);

  cppast::CppConstNameExprEPtr coutOperand1 = &(coutHelloWorld->term1());
  CHECK(coutOperand1->value() == "std::cout");

  cppast::CppConstStringLiteralExprEPtr coutOperand2 = &(coutHelloWorld->term2());
  CHECK(coutOperand2->value() == "\"Hello, World!\\n\"");

This example is a real one and is part of actual unit test of CppParser.

For AST traversing, see the CppWriter, that uses the generated AST to create files.

Building CppParser

Get the source

git clone
git clone

Configure and build

cd cppparser
mkdir builds
cd builds
cmake ..
make && make test

Alternatively, if you prefer Ninja instead of make:

cd cppparser
mkdir builds
cd builds
cmake -G Ninja ..
ninja && ninja test