repositories Search Results · topic:postgres org:supabase fork:true
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21 results
(148 ms)21 results
insupabase (press backspace or delete to remove)
PostgreSQL is an open source database system.
The open source Firebase alternative. Supabase gives you a dedicated Postgres database to build your web, mobile, and AI applications.
- TypeScript
- 79.6k
- Updated 1 hour ago
An isomorphic Javascript client for Supabase. Query your Supabase database, subscribe to realtime events, upload and download files, brow…
- TypeScript
- 3.5k
- Updated yesterday
Python Client for Supabase. Query Postgres from Flask, Django, FastAPI. Python user authentication, security policies, edge functions, fi…
- Python
- 1.9k
- Updated 14 hours ago
Supabase CLI. Manage postgres migrations, run Supabase locally, deploy edge functions. Postgres backups. Generating types from your datab…
- Go
- 1.2k
- Updated 5 hours ago
A RESTful API for managing your Postgres. Fetch tables, add roles, and run queries
- TypeScript
- 1k
- Updated 2 days ago
S3 compatible object storage service that stores metadata in Postgres
- TypeScript
- 895
- Updated 4 days ago
Flutter integration for Supabase. This package makes it simple for developers to build secure and scalable products.
- Dart
- 801
- Updated 3 days ago

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PostgreSQL is an open source database system.

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Contributors are working behind the scenes to make open source better for everyone—give them the help and recognition they deserve.Explore sponsorable projectsProTip!
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