Matrix4 decomposeStandard improved
Matrix4 decomposeStandard improved
Can reload object if update texture
Can reload object if update texture
Added camera right and direction defaults
Added camera right and direction defaults
Added getDistanceFromTarget to camera
Added getDistanceFromTarget to camera
Using TextureDataPool with external data texture
Using TextureDataPool with external data texture
Added buffer setCount and importData
Added buffer setCount and importData
Changed some Texture methods to const
Changed some Texture methods to const
CMake improvements when shared lib enabled
CMake improvements when shared lib enabled
Using string in systems and added more SUPERNOVA_API macro
Using string in systems and added more SUPERNOVA_API macro
Trying to fix Mac build when shared lib
Trying to fix Mac build when shared lib
Testing add PUBLIC to link_libraries in Sokol lib
Testing add PUBLIC to link_libraries in Sokol lib
Added SUPERNOVA_API to test in some math static members
Added SUPERNOVA_API to test in some math static members