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In this section, we cover the main mechanism for requesting data in rescript-urql – hooks!

rescript-urql comes with a set of custom hooks to use in your rescript-react components, including useQuery, useMutation, and useSubscription. These are fully type safe and will automatically infer the type of your GraphQL response if using graphql_ppx_re or graphql_ppx.


useQuery allows you to execute a GraphQL query.


Argument Type Description
query (module Types.Operation) The graphql_ppx module representing your GraphQL operation.
requestPolicy Types.requestPolicy=? Optional. The request policy to use to execute the query. Defaults to "cache-first".
pause bool=? Optional. A boolean flag instructing useQuery to pause execution of the query operation.
fetchOptions Fetch.Request.init=? Optional. The fetch options to apply on the outgoing request.
requestPolicy Types.requestPolicy=? Optional. The request policy to use to execute the query. Defaults to "cache-first".
url string=? Optional. The GraphQL endpoint to use for the executing operation (if different from the one specified by Client.make).
meta Types.operationDebugMeta=? Optional. Add metadata that is only available in development with devtools.
suspense bool=? Optional. A flag activating the experimental React suspense mode, which can be used during server-side rendering to prefetch data. Defaults to false.
preferGetMethod bool=? Optional. If true, will use the HTTP GET method rather than POST for operations of type query. Defaults to false.
variables Types.Operation.t_variables Optional. Variables to pass as part of your GraphQL query. This should be passed as the last positional argument, if needed.

Return Type

useQuery returns a tuple containing the result of executing your GraphQL query and a function for re-executing the query imperatively.

Return Value Type Description
state Hooks.hookResponse('response) A record containing fields for fetching, data, error, response, extensions, and stale. response is a variant containing constructors for Data, PartialData, Error, Fetching, and Empty. Useful for pattern matching to render conditional UI.
executeQuery (~fetchOptions: Fetch.Request.init=?, ~requestPolicy: Types.requestPolicy=?, ~url: string=?, ~meta: Types.operationDebugMeta=?, ~suspense: bool=?, ~preferGetMethod: bool=?, unit) => unit A function for imperatively re-executing the query. Accepts labelled arguments for modifying specific conditions of the query execution.


open ReScriptUrql

module GetPokémon = %graphql(`
  query pokémon($name: String!) {
    pokemon(name: $name) {

let make = () => {
  let ({Hooks.response: response}, reexecuteQuery) =
    Hooks.useQuery(~query=(module GetPokemon), {name: "Butterfree"})

  switch response {
    | Fetching => <div> "Loading"->React.string </div>
    | Data(d)
    | PartialData(d, _e) =>
         <img src=d.pokemon.image>
         <span>>React.string </span>
         <span> d.pokemon.classification->React.string </span>
          onClick={_e =>
          `Refetch data for $`->React.string
    | Error(_e) => <div> "Error"->React.string </div>
    | Empty => <div> "Empty"->React.string </div>

Check out examples/2-query to see an example of using the useQuery hook.


useMutation allows you to execute a GraphQL mutation via the returned executeMutation function.


Argument Type Description
mutation (module Types.Operation) The graphql_ppx module representing your GraphQL operation.

Return Type

useMutation returns a tuple containing the result of executing your GraphQL mutation and a function for executing the mutation imperatively, executeMutation. By default, useMutation does not execute your mutation when your component renders – rather, it is up to you to call executeMutation when you want to by attaching it to on an event handler or running it inside of an effect. Read more on the urql docs.

Return Value Type Description
state Hooks.hookResponse('response) A record containing fields for fetching, data, error, response, extensions, and stale. response is a variant containing constructors for Data, PartialData, Error, Fetching, and Empty. Useful for pattern matching to render conditional UI.
executeMutation (~fetchOptions: Fetch.Request.init=?, ~requestPolicy: Types.requestPolicy=?, ~url: string=?, ~meta: Types.operationDebugMeta=?, ~suspense: bool=?, ~preferGetMethod: bool=?, 'variables) => Js.Promise.t(Types.operationResult('data)) A function for imperatively re-executing the mutation. Accepts labelled arguments for modifying specific conditions of the mutation execution.


open ReScriptUrql

module LikeDog = %graphql(`
  mutation likeDog($key: ID!) {
    likeDog(key: $key) {

let make = (~id) => {
  let (_, executeMutation) = Hooks.useMutation(~mutation=(module LikeDog))

  <button onClick={_e => executeMutation({key: id}) |> ignore}>
    "Like This Dog!"->React.string

Check out examples/3-mutation to see an example of using the useMutation hook.


useSubscription allows you to execute a GraphQL subscription. You can accumulate the results of executing subscriptions by passing a handler function to useSubscription.

If using the useSubscription hook, be sure your client is configured with the subscriptionExchange.


Argument Type Description
subscription (module Types.Operation) The graphql_ppx module representing your GraphQL operation.
handler Hooks.handler A variant type to allow for proper type inference of accumulated subscription data. A handler function allows you to accumulate subscription responses in the data field of the returned state record.
requestPolicy Types.requestPolicy=? Optional. The request policy to use to execute the query. Defaults to "cache-first".
pause bool=? Optional. A boolean flag instructing useSubscription to pause execution of the subscription.
fetchOptions Fetch.Request.init=? Optional. The fetch options to apply on the outgoing request.
requestPolicy Types.requestPolicy=? Optional. The request policy to use to execute the query. Defaults to "cache-first".
url string=? Optional. The GraphQL endpoint to use for the executing operation (if different from the one specified by Client.make).
meta Types.operationDebugMeta=? Optional. Add metadata that is only available in development with devtools.
suspense bool=? Optional. A flag activating the experimental React suspense mode, which can be used during server-side rendering to prefetch data. Defaults to false.
preferGetMethod bool=? Optional. If true, will use the HTTP GET method rather than POST for operations of type query. Defaults to false.
variables Types.Operation.t_variables Optional. Variables to pass as part of your GraphQL query. This should be passed as the last positional argument, if needed.

Return Type

useSubscription returns a tuple containing the result of executing your GraphQL subscription and a function for re-executing the subscription imperatively.

Return Value Type Description
result Hooks.hookResponse('response) A record containing fields for fetching, data, error, response, extensions, and stale. response is a variant containing constructors for Data, PartialData, Error, Fetching, and Empty. Useful for pattern matching to render conditional UI.
executeSubscription (~fetchOptions: Fetch.Request.init=?, ~requestPolicy: Types.requestPolicy=?, ~url: string=?, ~meta: Types.operationDebugMeta=?, ~suspense: bool=?, ~preferGetMethod: bool=?, unit) => unit A function for imperatively re-executing the subscription. Accepts labelled arguments for modifying specific conditions of the subscription execution.


open ReScriptUrql

module SubscribeRandomInt = %graphql(`
  subscription subscribeNumbers {

/* Accumulate subscriptions as new values arrive from your GraphQL endpoint. */
let handler = (prevSubscriptions, subscription) => {
  switch prevSubscriptions {
  | Some(subs) => Array.append(subs, [subscription])
  | None => [subscription]

let make = () => {
  let ({Hooks.response: response}) =
      ~request=(module SubscribeRandomInt),

  switch response {
    | Fetching => <text> "Loading"->React.string </text>
    | Data(d)
    | PartialData(d, _e) =>
      (datum) =>
      |> React.array
    | Error(_e) => <text> "Error"->React.string </text>
    | Empty => <text> "Empty"->React.string </text>

Check out examples/5-subscription to see an example of using the useSubscription hook.


useClient allows you to access your urql client instance anywhere within your React tree.

Return Type

Return Value Type Description
client Client.t The urql client instance for your application.


open ReScriptUrql

module GetAllDogs = %graphql(`
  query dogs {
    dogs {

let make = () => {
  let client = Hooks.useClient()

  React.useEffect1(() => {
    let subscription = Client.executeQuery(~client, ~query=(module GetDogs), ())
      |> Wonka.subscribe((. result) => Js.log(result))

  }, [client]);

  <div> "You can now use your client!"->React.string </div>