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279 lines (177 loc) · 7.26 KB

File metadata and controls

279 lines (177 loc) · 7.26 KB

Contributing to QuickSnip

Hey there! 👋 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! ❤️

You can contribute in two main ways:

  • Improving the code (like fixing bugs or adding cool new features)
  • Adding new code snippets (or improving the existing ones!)

Improving the code

How to report bugs

If you spot a bug in the codebase or issues with the documentation, please open up a GitHub issue detailing the problem before creating a PR. Once confirmed with maintainers, you can then create a PR.

How to propose new features

If you are interested in proposing new features, please open up a new GitHub discussion with details for the proposed feature.

Please do not create a PR for a new feature without first discussing it with the maintainers. If you create a PR for a new feature without discussing it first, then your PR will be closed.

Snippets Guidelines

Snippet Tags

  • Tags must describe the snippet with simple word.

Here's an example:

title: Convert Number to Currency
description: Converts a number to a currency format with a specific locale.
author: axorax
tags: number,currency

Do not use generic keywords or the language itself as a tag utility or javascript!

Snippet Format

All snippets should follow the following structure:

  • A code segment, containing a function with the actual snippet functionnality
  • An example segement, containing one or more examples of use

Example in javascript:

function example(x) {
  return x * 2;

// Usage:
example(5); // Returns: 10

If your function doesn't return anything just show how to use it. If the result of your function is too complicated to be expressed in a single comment, your snippet is probably too complex to begin with.

Snippet boundaries

To ensure your snippet isn’t refused, consider these questions:

  • Does the standard library of my language provide an easy way of doing this ?
  • Does that snippet not have a real, and practical use case ?
  • Could it be split into separate parts to be better understood ?

If any answer is yes, then your snippet will most likely get rejected.

Adding Snippets

Adding a New Snippet

  1. Ensure your snippet match guidelines

  2. Navigate to the relevant folder:

    • Go to the /snippets folder in the root directory.
    • Locate the folder for the programming language of your snippet, such as javascript or python.
  3. Choose the correct category:

    • Within the language folder, find the relevant category folder for your snippet.
    • If no suitable category exists, refer to Adding a New Category.
  4. Create a markdown file:

    • Create a new file with a .md extension.
    • Name the file appropriately, keeping it descriptive and concise.
  5. Add your snippet:

    • Use the following format to structure your snippet:
title: Name of the snippet
description: A short explanation of what the snippet does
tags: tag1, tag2, tag3
author: your-github-username

// Your code here

Here’s an example for JavaScript:

title: Format Date
description: Formats a date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.
author: technoph1le
tags: date,format

const formatDate = (date) => date.toISOString().split("T")[0];

// Usage:
console.log(formatDate(new Date())); // Output: '2024-12-10'
  1. Use syntax highlighting:

    • Enclose your code with triple backticks (```).
    • Specify the language after the first set of backticks for syntax highlighting.
  2. Test your snippet:

    • Ensure your code runs as expected.
      To test that your snippets are formatted correctly use the snippets:check script:

      $ npm run snippets:check

      It will return nothing if they are well formatted, otherwise it will tell you what the error is.

      To preview the snippets, start the vite server using:

      $ npm run dev

      It will use HMR to update the snippets in the /public folder, making them available to the frontend.

Expected file structure:

|- language
|- category-name

Please do NOT add or edit anything in /public folder. It will be used for consolidating snippets.

Editing a Existing Snippet

If you’d like to refine or improve an existing snippet:

  1. Add a contributors field:

    • Include your GitHub username under the contributors field in the metadata section.
title: Name of the snippet
description: A short explanation of what the snippet does
tags: tag1, tag2, tag3
author: original-author
contributors: your-github-username

Updated code here
  1. Credit all contributors:

    • If contributors already exist, add your username separated by a comma
contributors: contributor1, contributor2, your-github-username
  1. Document changes:

    • Clearly indicate what you updated and why in your pull request description.

We want to make sure that original author and contributor(s) are credited for their work.

Adding a New Category

If your snippet doesn’t fit into any existing category, you can create a new one! Just make sure it’s unique and doesn’t overlap with others (e.g., don’t create separate categories for “Date” and “Time” when “Date and Time” works).

  1. Create a new category folder:

    • In the relevant language directory, add a new folder.
    • Use a lowercase name with hyphens for separation (e.g., file-handling).
  2. Add snippets:

Example structure:

|- python
|- file-handling
|- list-manipulation
|- ....

Adding a New Language

If you want to introduce a new programming language, here's how to do it:

  1. Create a language folder:

    • Add a new folder under the snippets directory.
    • Name it after the language in lowercase (e.g., go, ruby).
  2. Add categories and snippets:

  3. Include an icon:

    • Add an icon.svg file (50x50px) in the same language folder.
    • Use tools like Resize SVG to ensure the correct size.
  4. Double-check your work:

    • Verify that everything is structured correctly and displays as intended.

Testing Snippets

To test that your snippets are formatted correctly use the following script:

$ npm run snippets:check

It will return nothing if they are well formatted, otherwise it will tell you what the error is.

To preview the snippets, you need to consolidate them, use the following script:

$ npm run snippets:consolidate

It will update the snippets in the /public folder, making them available to the frontend.

Final Notes

Whether you’re fixing a tiny typo, writing a new snippet, or dreaming up big features, every bit counts! 🛠️

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to open a new GitHub discussion.

Happy coding! 💻✨