An easy CRUD operation based on Factory pattern with Mongoose.
Jul 31, 2023 - TypeScript
Mongoose is a MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment. Mongoose includes built-in type casting, validation, query building, and business logic hooks.
An easy CRUD operation based on Factory pattern with Mongoose.
Node.js framework to create REST API with express and mongoose models
Mongoose schema to JSON schema and back
A small library that provides methods to listen changes in mongoose models.
GridFile is a reusable Mongoose schema for MongoDB GridFS
Good example for starter and learning GraphQL + Apollo Server + MongoDB + NodeJS easily and fastly. (based on Babel, Just in 10 minutes)
Generate Joi Validation, Mongoose Model and basic API endpoint routes for hapijs
A RESTful API for managing tasks and the users associated with it.
Generate normalizr schemas from mongoose schemas!
This is a Real-Time chatting application powered by Expressjs, Mongoose,, and Ejs Template Engine. The Complete Project Has been made by Following the MVC Pattern standard.
A set of Mongoose models and utils for handling FrameNet data on a MongoDB database
Implementation of RESTful CRUD operations using Mongoose, Express, Node.js, and MongoDB.
A nodejs scalable architecture using mongo and mongoose with ES6
A simple routing wrapper for Express built on directory and file pattern recognition with easy import of mongoose models
node-badger, a nodeJS MVC Framework
This is a Tour Management Server. It is build by following MVC Pattern. User can get data by apply multiple filter. User can update any details of the data. I have maintained a structure by creating model and Schema using mongoose.
Rentify project using express
Created by LearnBoost
Released 2010
Latest release 3 days ago