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Tags: watson-developer-cloud/unity-sdk



chore(release): 6.0.0 release notes

# [6.0.0](v5.2.0...v6.0.0) (2022-03-21)

### Features

* **assistant-v1:** generated using api-def: master & generator: 3.46.0 ([3cb486e](3cb486e))
* **assistant-v2:** generated using api-def: master & generator: 3.46.0 ([03c3646](03c3646))
* **discovery-v1:** document status & query aggregation update ([97a432e](97a432e))
* **natural-language-understanding-v1:** metadata as a dictionary and comments updated ([34fd074](34fd074))
* **speech-to-text-v1:** supportedFeatures: customAcousticModel property added & update comments ([c11e928](c11e928))


* **discovery-v1:** QueryAggregation: BREAKING QueryAggregation subclasses changed.
* **assistant-v2:** MessageOutputDebug: BREAKING nodesVisited type DialogNodesVisited changed to
DialogNodeVisited, RuntimeEntity: BREAKING optional metadata property removed
* **assistant-v1:** OutputData: BREAKING required text property removed, RuntimeEntity: BREAKING
optional metadata property removed


chore(release): 5.2.0 release notes

# [5.2.0](v5.1.2...v5.2.0) (2021-09-14)

### Bug Fixes

* **assistant-v2:** add new property, answers for assistant v2 ([c1ac34a](c1ac34a))
* **assistant-v2:** fix integration test for assistant v2 ([2ed2368](2ed2368))
* **discovery-v1:** fix status details property. Change from authentication to authenticated ([7975bd1](7975bd1))
* **discovery-v1:** json type from Type to type ([0a3ed73](0a3ed73))
* **discovery-v1:** update status from string to StatusDetails ([2ee9531](2ee9531))
* **integration-test:** update integration test change for the NLU ([1163183](1163183))
* **integration-testing:** fix intergration testing add deleteSessionRespondse ([076790a](076790a))
* **nlu:** fix for listClassificationsModels through return type change and removal of unnecessary ([bda5e68](bda5e68))
* **services:** update comments and formatting changes ([d8c041d](d8c041d))

### Features

* **assistant-v1:** add enums for disambiguation ([521f9cb](521f9cb))
* **assistant-v1:** alt_text property added to Image response type ([1743425](1743425))
* **assistant-v2:** alt_text property added to Image response type ([cfb1ab8](cfb1ab8))
* **assistant-v2:** session_start_time and state properties added to MessageContextGlobalSystem ([4bb90ac](4bb90ac))
* **discovery-v2:** enum update for CreateProjectConstants ([0b47643](0b47643))


chore(release): 5.1.2 release notes

## [5.1.2](v5.1.1...v5.1.2) (2021-08-24)

### Bug Fixes

* **nlc:** add deprecation warning ([b8f3355](b8f3355)), closes [#9627](


chore(release): 5.1.1 release notes

## [5.1.1](v5.1.0...v5.1.1) (2021-06-16)

### Bug Fixes

* **discovery-v1:** add DateTime format ([f83b6ad](f83b6ad))
* **discovery-v2:** add enrichment to the form-data ([acfd7b5](acfd7b5))
* **visual-recognition-v4:** add DateTime format ([3ea83df](3ea83df))


chore(release): 5.1.0 release notes

# [5.1.0](v5.0.2...v5.1.0) (2021-06-10)

### Features

* **generation:** generated using api def sdk-2021-05-11-rerelease and gen 3.31.0 ([44079dd](44079dd))


chore(release): 5.0.2 release notes

## [5.0.2](v5.0.1...v5.0.2) (2021-03-05)

### Bug Fixes

* deprecate compare and comply message ([f05490d](f05490d))
* test semantic release ([489fa33](489fa33))


chore(release): 5.0.1 release notes

## [5.0.1](v5.0.0...v5.0.1) (2020-12-21)

### Bug Fixes

* **Assistant:** node dialog respose should have agent props ([e0ead99](e0ead99))


chore(release): 5.0.0 release notes

# [5.0.0](v4.8.0...v5.0.0) (2020-12-10)

### Features

* **AssistantV1:** Add support for BulkClassify ([20e42e3](20e42e3))
* **AssistantV2:** Add support for BulkClassify and refactor context skill system ([52f0cf9](52f0cf9))
* **CompareComply:** add support for Modification in TypeLabel ([bd6d619](bd6d619))
* **DiscoveryV2:** Add support for AnalyzeDocuments ([fa97def](fa97def))
* regenrate services using current API def ([30eb7de](30eb7de))
* **regeneration:** regenerated with generator 3.21.0 and api def sdk-major-release-2020 ([5de83ec](5de83ec))
* **TextToSpeechV1:** add support for CustomModel and CustomModels ([235aef2](235aef2))
* **VisualRecognition:** Add deprecation warning and change starte and endtimes to DateTime ([d99b69a](d99b69a))


* **VisualRecognition:** change startTime and encTime to DateTime for GetTrainingUsave for
* **TextToSpeechV1:** Moved from VoiceModel and VoiceModels to CustomModel and CustomModels
* **AssistantV2:** MessageContextSkill


chore(release): 4.8.0 release notes

# [4.8.0](v4.7.1...v4.8.0) (2020-08-25)

### Features

* **AssistantV1:** change default URL ([21283bc](21283bc))
* **AssistantV2:** add support for ListLogs and DeleteUserData ([369e7fd](369e7fd))
* regenerate services and add new default URLs ([e484113](e484113))
* **DiscoveryV2:** add new apis for projects, enrichments and collections ([abc28ba](abc28ba))
* **LanguageTranslatorV3:** add support for ListLanguages ([0570cdb](0570cdb))


chore(release): 4.7.1 release notes

## [4.7.1](v4.7.0...v4.7.1) (2020-06-17)

### Bug Fixes

* **TTS:** update TTS example to play music and using normal synthesize ([9006680](9006680))