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set-webpack-public-path plugin for webpack


npm install @rushstack/set-webpack-public-path-plugin --save-dev

Mode 1: Using the document.currentScript API


This plugin wraps the entire webpack bundle in an immediately executed function expression (IIFE) that sets a variable to the value of document.currentScript and then injects code that extracts the current script's base path from the src attribute when setting the __webpack_public_path__ variable.

This is similar to the output.publicPath = 'auto' option, but differs in two important ways:

  1. It does not contain any fallback logic to look at <script /> elements
  2. It stores the document.currentScript value immediately when the bundle is executed, not when the runtime is executed. This is important when the bundle's factory function is called by another script, like when an AMD output target is produced.


To use the plugin, add it to the plugins array of your Webpack config. For example:

import { SetPublicPathCurrentScriptPlugin } from '@rushstack/set-webpack-public-path-plugin';

  plugins: [
    new SetPublicPathCurrentScriptPlugin()


This plugin has no options.

Mode 2: Automatic public path detection via regular expression


This simple plugin uses a specified regular expression or the emitted asset name to set the __webpack_public_path__ variable. This is useful for scenarios where the Webpack automatic public path detection does not work. For example, when emitting AMD-style assets that are initialized by a callback.


To use the plugin, add it to the plugins array of your Webpack config. For example:

import { SetPublicPathPlugin } from '@rushstack/set-webpack-public-path-plugin';

  plugins: [
    new SetPublicPathPlugin( /* webpackPublicPathOptions */ )


scriptName = { }

This parameter is an object that takes three properties: a string property name, a boolean property isTokenized, and a boolean property useAssetName

The name property is a regular expression string that is applied to all script URLs on the page. The last directory of the URL that matches the regular expression is used as the public path. For example, if the name property is set to my\-bundle_?[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*\.js and a script's URL is, the public path will be set to

If the isTokenized parameter is set to true, the regular expression string in name is treated as a tokenized string. The supported tokens are [name] and [hash]. Instances of the [name] substring are replaced with the chunk's name, and instances of the [hash] substring are replaced with the chunk's rendered hash. The name is regular expression-escaped. For example, if the name property is set to [name]_?[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*\.js, isTokenized is set to true, and the chunk's name is my-bundle, and a script's URL is, the public path will be set to

If the useAssetName property is set, the plugin will use the Webpack-produced asset name as it would the name property. useAssetName is exclusive to name and isTokenized.

This option is exclusive to other options. If it is set, systemJs, publicPath, and urlPrefix will be ignored.

regexVariable = '...'

Check for a variable with name ... on the page and use its value as a regular expression against script paths to the bundle's script. If a value foo is passed into regexVariable, the produced bundle will look for a variable called foo during initialization, and if a foo variable is found, use its value as a regular expression to detect the bundle's script.

For example, if the regexVariable option is set to scriptRegex and scriptName is set to { name: 'myscript' }, consider two cases:

Case 1
      var scriptRegex = /thescript/i;
    <script src="theScript.js"></script>


In this case, because there is a scriptRegex variable defined on the page, the bundle will use its value (/thescript/i) to find the script.

Case 2
    <script src="myScript.js"></script>


In this case, because there is not a scriptRegex variable defined on the page, the bundle will use the value passed into the scriptName option to find the script.

getPostProcessScript = (variableName) => { ... }

A function that returns a snippet of code that manipulates the variable with the name that's specified in the parameter. If this parameter isn't provided, no post-processing code is included. The variable must be modified in-place - the processed value should not be returned. This is useful when non-entry assets are deployed to a parent directory or subdirectory of the directory to which the entry assets are deployed.

For example, if this parameter is set to this function

getPostProcessScript = (variableName) => {
  return `${variableName} = ${variableName} + 'assets/';`;

the public path variable will have /assets/ appended to the found path.

Note that the existing value of the variable already ends in a slash (/).

preferLastFoundScript = false

If true, find the last script matching the regexVariable (if it is set). If false, find the first matching script. This can be useful if there are multiple scripts loaded in the DOM that match the regexVariable.