The project provides a central repository for the microservice which'll be used for segmenting user to segmatation groups based on predefined rules. The project is written in Python, with MongoDB as the backbone database and JSON as interim data layer.
Since the project is entirely written in Python, you can use a virtual environment to keep the dependencies same as the other fellow developers. A virtual environment can be created/used as follows:
; installvirtualenv
globally:$ sudo pip install virtualenv
is installed, create a new environment (nameduser_segmentation
) here:$ virtualenv --python=python3 user_segmentation
You can manually activate the environment using the following command:
$ source user_segmentation/bin/acivate
You can exit the environment by simply executing the
command:$ deactivate
Once you've activated your virtual environment, you no longer need to
use sudo
to install any dependencies. Simply use the environment's
local copy of pip
and install all the required packages using the
file bundled along with the project:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
The above command shall read the dependencies from the
file line-by-line, and install the same version as
mentioned in the file. If you're using a new module for your project,
and want to add that to the requirements.txt
list, simply use a
command, and redirect the output to the file.
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
Simply run:
$ python
The service runs on port 7070
service/ - Recursive algo to evaluate rules_set corresponding to user_data.
- UserObject:
"_id": 10010,
"name": "Asha1",
"gender": "M",
"preferences": {
"meat": "redmeat"
"age": 20
- SementationObject:
"segment_name": "segment_11",
"segment_rule": {
"or": [{
"or": [{
"gender": {
"value": "F",
"op": "eq"
"gender": {
"value": "M",
"op": "eq"
"or": [{
"and": [{
"gender": {
"value": "F",
"op": "eq"
"gender": {
"value": "F",
"op": "eq"
"age": {
"value": 15,
"op": "eq"
- "lt": LessThan()
- "lte": LessThanEqualTo()
- "gt": GreaterThan()
- "gte": GreaterThanEqualTo()
- "eq": EqualTo()
- "neq": NotEqualTo()
Other Operators can be added in utils/
- or
- and
Other Conjunctors can be added in utils/
- "order_count"
- "creation_date"
- "user_type"
- ""
- "preference.price"
- "city"
- "user_category"
- "age"
- "gender"
The List can be extended in service/allowed_rule_params.yaml file
- POST- /user/
- Used for Creating a new user
- Payload
"_id": 10010,
"name": "Asha1",
"gender": "M",
"preferences": {
"meat": "redmeat"
"age": 20
- GET - /user/{user_id} For Fetching user info from user_id
- POST - /segment/
- For creating a new segment_rule
- Payload:
"segment_name": "segment_12",
"segment_rule": {
"or": [{
"or": [{
"gender": {
"value": "F",
"op": "eq"
"gender": {
"value": "M",
"op": "eq"
"or": [{
"and": [{
"gender": {
"value": "F",
"op": "eq"
"gender": {
"value": "F",
"op": "eq"
"age": {
"value": 15,
"op": "eq"
- GET - /segment/{segment_id}/
- For Getting the segment rule details corresponding to segment_id
POST - /validate
- To identify segments for a user_id corresponding to list of segment_ids ( with rules stored in db )
- Request Body:
{ "user_id": 20001, "segments": [ "segment_30001", "segment_30002" ] }
Following Functionalities still don't exist:
- Update in Existing User / Segmentation Rule
- Deleting Segmentation Rule/ User
- user json validation