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👉 REDUX middleware & HOOK 🎉 waiting async actions with SUFFIXES 👈

import { useDispatchAsync } from 'react-redux-dispatch-async'

export default function MyUserInterface({ id }: { id: string }) {
  // 👉 pass action and arguments into the array
  const response = useDispatchAsync(getUserActionRequest, [id])

  switch (response.status) {
    case 'loading':
      return <AppLoader />
    case 'error':
      return <Text>{response.error.message}</Text>
    case 'success':
      return <User {...response.result} />
    case 'timeout':
      return <Text>{'timeout ¯\\_(ツ)_//¯'}</Text>
    case 'canceled':
      return <Text>{'canceled ¯\\_(ツ)_//¯'}</Text>
      return null

If you need more examples you can go to github or to codesandbox.


yarn add react-redux-dispatch-async


      | ACTION_REQUESTED |----+
      +------------------+    |      +------------------+
                              +----->| ACTION_SUCCEEDED |
                              |      +------------------+
                              |      +--------------------+
                              +----->|   ACTION_FAILED    |
                              |      +--------------------+
                              |      +--------------------+
                              +----->|  ACTION_CANCELED  |

Race condition to execute only the promise if multiple update occur in nearly same time

> Dig into it

Hook give you helpful STATUS you can deal with into your own component

  • loading: action start but not yet completed
  • 👏 success: action completed, you can get the result
  • 😱 error: action failed and you can get the error
  • 👎 timeout: action not completed for too long (ie. options?.timeoutInMilliseconds)
  • 👋 canceled: action canceled
  • 😮 unknown: should never happen


import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
import { createDispatchAsyncMiddleware } from 'react-redux-dispatch-async'
import reducers from 'reducers'

const store = createStore(
      request: 'REQUEST', // 👈 define your own async suffixes
      success: 'SUCCESS',
      failure: 'FAILURE',
      cancel: 'CANCEL', // optional

Default suffixes

  • [...]_REQUESTED
  • [...]_SUCCEEDED
  • [...]_FAILED
  • [...]_CANCELED

Two functions


dispatchAsyncMiddleware: (c?: {
  request: string
  success: string
  failure: string
  cancel?: string
}) => redux.Middleware


// main hook
interface Options {
  timeoutInMilliseconds?: number
type useDispatchAsync = <R = any>(
  actionFunction?: (...args: any[]) => Action<T>,
  deps: any[] = [],
  options: Options = { timeoutInMilliseconds: 15000 }, // wait 15s
) => UseDispatchAsync<R>

/// return type
interface ResultLoading {
  status: 'loading'

interface ResultSuccess<R = unknown> {
  status: 'success'
  result: R

interface ResultError {
  status: 'error'
  error: Error

interface ResultCancel {
  status: 'canceled'

interface ResultTimeout {
  status: 'timeout'

interface ResultUnknown {
  status: 'unknown'

export type UseDispatchAsync<R = unknown> =
  | ResultLoading
  | ResultSuccess<R>
  | ResultError
  | ResultTimeout
  | ResultCancel
  | ResultUnknown

// other types for oldest usage
interface DispatchAsyncResultSuccess<T = any> {
  success: true
  result: T
interface DispatchAsyncResultError {
  success: false
  error: Error
export type DispatchAsyncResult<T = any> =
  | DispatchAsyncResultSuccess<T>
  | DispatchAsyncResultError

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