Code scanning scans your code for security issues as you write it, and integrates the results natively into the developer workflow. Schedule security analysis to run on every push and every pull request on a schedule or ad-hoc.
Find and fix security issues as you code
Write more secure code from the start with security analysis built into your development workflow. GitHub Advanced Security helps you find and address security issues in your code earlier, improving the security of your projects.

Find critical vulnerabilities and eradicate them, forever
CodeQL is a revolutionary semantic code engine that queries your code as data. Find security issues deep in your code. CodeQL’s powerful analysis can trace data flows through your application to identify vulnerabilities like SQL injection and remote code execution.

Discover and manage hard-coded secrets
Secret scanning watches your repositories for known secret formats and notifies you as soon as secrets are found.

Secure software from the start
Whether you’re contributing to an open source project or choosing new tools for your team, your security needs are covered.
Best practices for more secure software
Developer-first application security
Take an in-depth look at the current state of application security.
The government agency's guide to DevSecOps
Learn how to write more secure code from the start with DevSecOps.