The Omi App is a Flutter-based mobile application that serves as the companion app for Omi devices. This app enables users to interact with their Omi device, manage apps, and customize their experience.
- Firebase Setup: Complete guide for configuring Firebase authentication and services
- Environment Setup: Step-by-step guide for .env configuration and API keys
- Build Configuration: Instructions for build runner and platform-specific setups
- Manual Setup Option: Alternative to automated setup for custom configurations
- Troubleshooting Guide: Common setup issues and their solutions
- Backend Integration: Guide for connecting to custom backend services
- Production Setup: Detailed Firebase configuration for production environment
- Authentication: Complete OAuth setup including SHA key generation
- Multi-Environment: Managing development and production configurations
- Platform Specifics: iOS and Android platform-specific requirements
Navigate to the app directory:
cd app
Run setup script:
# For iOS bash ios # For Android bash android
Run the app:
flutter run --flavor dev
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