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Omi Backend Setup

This README provides a quick setup guide for the Omi backend. For a comprehensive step-by-step guide with detailed explanations, please refer to the Backend Setup Documentation.

Quick Setup Steps

  1. Install the google-cloud-sdk

    • Mac: brew install google-cloud-sdk
    • Windows: choco install gcloudsdk
    • Nix envdir: It should be pre-installed
  2. You will need to have your own Google Cloud Project with Firebase enabled. If you've already set up Firebase for the Omi app, you're good to go. If not, please refer to the Firebase Setup Guide.

  3. Run the following commands one by one to authenticate with Google Cloud:

    gcloud auth login
    gcloud config set project <project-id>
    gcloud auth application-default login --project <project-id>

    Replace <project-id> with your Google Cloud Project ID. This should generate the application_default_credentials.json file in the ~/.config/gcloud directory. This file is read automatically by gcloud in Python.

  4. Install Python

    • Mac: brew install python
    • Windows: choco install python
    • Nix envdir: It should be pre-installed
  5. Install pip if it doesn't exist (follow instructions on pip installation page)

  6. Install git and ffmpeg

    • Mac: brew install git ffmpeg
    • Windows: choco install git.install ffmpeg
    • Nix envdir: These should be pre-installed
  7. Install opus (required for audio processing)

    • Mac: brew install opus
    • Windows: You should already have it if you're on Windows 10 version 1903 and above
  8. Move to the backend directory: cd backend

  9. Create your environment file: cp .env.template .env

  10. Set up Redis

    • Upstash is recommended - sign up and create a free instance
  11. Add the necessary API keys in the .env file:

    • OpenAI API Key
    • Deepgram API Key
    • Redis credentials from your Upstash Console
    • Set ADMIN_KEY to a temporary value (e.g., 123) for local development
    • IMPORTANT: For Pinecone vector database:
      • Make sure to set PINECONE_INDEX_NAME to the name of your Pinecone index
      • If you don't have a Pinecone index yet, create one in the Pinecone Console
      • The index should be created with the appropriate dimension setting (e.g., 1536 for OpenAI embeddings)
  12. Install Python dependencies (choose one of the following approaches):

    Option A: Using a virtual environment (recommended)

    # Create a virtual environment
    python -m venv venv
    # Activate the virtual environment
    # On Windows:
    # On macOS/Linux:
    source venv/bin/activate
    # Install dependencies within the virtual environment
    pip install -r requirements.txt

    You should see (venv) at the beginning of your command prompt when the virtual environment is active.

    Option B: Direct installation

    # Install dependencies globally
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  13. Sign up on ngrok and follow the steps to configure it

    • During onboarding, get your authentication token and run ngrok config add-authtoken <your-token>
  14. During the onboarding flow, under the Static Domain section, Ngrok should provide you with a static domain and a command to point your localhost to that static domain. Replace the port from 80 to 8000 in that command and run it in your terminal:

    ngrok http 8000
  15. Start the backend server:

    uvicorn main:app --reload --env-file .env
  16. Troubleshooting: If you get any error mentioning "no internet connection" while downloading models, add the following lines in the utils/stt/ file after the import statements:

    import ssl
    ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
  17. Now try running the server again: uvicorn main:app --reload --env-file .env

  18. In your Omi app's environment, set API_BASE_URL to the URL provided by ngrok (e.g.,

  19. Your app should now be using your local backend

  20. If you used a virtual environment, when you're done, deactivate it by running:


Additional Resources