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Git Commit Emoji is a standard of Emoji for using on Git commit messages.


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Git Commit Emoji

Git Commit Emoji is a standard of Emoji for using on Git commit messages.

A new way to improve or write git commit messages is using emoji to identify the type of a commit.

The commit message with emoji should be structured as follows:

git commit "<emoji> Commit message"


git commit ":beetle: Fix add missing field"

πŸ“ Standard Git Commit Type

Commit Type Emoji
New feature ✨ :sparkles:
Style πŸ’„ :lipstick:
Refactor ♻️ :recycle:
Test 🚨 :rotating_light:
Make a test pass βœ”οΈ :heavy_check_mark:
Document πŸ“– :book:
Deploy πŸš€ :rocket:
Bug fix πŸͺ² :beetle:
Work In Progress 🚧 :construction:
Merge branches πŸ”€ :twisted_rightwards_arrows:
Format/Structure related 🎨 :art:
Internationalization and localization 🌐 :globe_with_meridians:
Performance 🐎 :racehorse:
Remove code or files πŸ”₯ :fire:
Security πŸ”’ :lock:
Move or renmame files or folders 🚚 :truck:
Initial commit πŸŽ‰ :tada:
Version tag πŸ”– :bookmark:
Add a dependency βž• :heavy_plus_sign:
Upgrade dependencies ⬆️ :arrow_up:
Downgrade dependencies ⬇️ :arrow_down:
Configure files πŸ”§ :wrench:
Revert changes βͺ :rewind:
Code review changes πŸ‘Œ :ok_hand:
Breaking changes πŸ’₯ :boom:
Reverting changes βͺ :rewind:
Package.json πŸ“¦ :package:
Docker related πŸ’š :green_heart:
Continuous integration 🐳 :whale:
Mac related 🍎 :apple:
Linux related 🐧 :penguin:

😍 Inspiration

Inspired by dannyfritz/commit-message-emoji

🌟 Contribution

If you think any of the Git Commit Type Emoji can be improved or added the new one, please submit any issues.

Your contributions are heartily β™‘ welcome, recognized and appreciated. (βœΏβ— β€Ώβ— )

βš–οΈ License

The MIT License License: MIT