ShadowFlare Helper is an intergrated hack tool of the game Shadowflare, help you to experience the game in a brand new easy way.
Put SFHelper
and libwinpthread-1.dll
to your ShadowFLare Game Folder.
Opening SF Game and Load your Savefile.
Choose SF Version from ComboBox and "Bind Game"
After Binding successfully, Hack functions unlock.
ATTENTION: Re-Bind Game after you S/L Savefile.
- Support 5 version of SF Game (Full 4 Episodes) (CHT, CHN, ENG, JPN, KOR)
- 3 available APP Lang (CHT, CHN, ENG)
- Auto detect user PC locale
- Compatible with SF Resolution Hack
- Hide APP to Task Bar
- Modify as much data as possible
- Timely monitor and update Game data
- Integrated ShadowFlare WallHack to this APP
- Customized Teleportation (To Any map, Any where)
- Unlimited & Instantly Teleport to ANY place
- extend Swordman Atk Range
- Be super rich in game
- Quest/Magic/GiantWarehouse Modify
- Player Status Modify
- Item modify
- more......
// windows:
windres SFHelperResource.rc -o SFHelperResource.o
gcc -o SFHelper SFHelperResource.o main.c libshlwapi.a libpsapi.a libwinpthread.dll.a -mwindows -lcomctl32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -pthread
- First publication
- Bind game and print log
- Read and modify Player name, LV, EXP, Prof., Companion LV, ...
- 3 Available App Language (CHT, CHN, ENG)
- Support 5 version of SF Game (Full 4 Episodes) (CHT, CHN, ENG, JPN, KOR)
- Auto detect PC locale and set APP Language
- Hide APP to taskbar
- Compitable with resulution hack. (Administrator privilege needed)
- Refresh data: after switch on, timely update player status in APP.
- Keyboard Hook: after switch on, use Numpad/ Arror keys to move in game. (Integrated ShadowFlare WallHack )
- Customize Move Distance, Move Delay, Refresh Data Delay Time
- Display Player Position (Map ID, Map Name, X/Y Coordinate)
- Teleport Function Available! choose destination Map and location, teleport you immediately like a Doraemon Anywhere Door!
- Assist functions Tab Available! "Open Warehouse at any time" "Infinite Power" "Revive Companion immediately".... and more....
- Magic Hack Available! Unlock Magic as you wish, modify Magic LV and EXP easily.
- Bug fixed: Map ID display incorrectly sometime.
- More using experience enhanced.
- Optimized code logic. Let less code do more work.
- Bug fixed: "Invicible Status" cause some player status turn to 1.
- Quest Hack Available!
- Giant Warehouse Hack Available!