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188 lines (118 loc) · 6.72 KB

File metadata and controls

188 lines (118 loc) · 6.72 KB

Required UWP Target settings:

Min version: Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (10.0; Build 16299)

Required Xserver.IoT firmware:

Min version: 10.2.1

Required UWP Capabilities:

<Capability Name="internetClient" />
<Capability Name="internetClientServer"/>
<Capability Name="privateNetworkClientServer"/>

Authentication class:

// Log in to Xserver.IoT
public static async Task<Result> Login(string UserName, string Password, string ServiceIP = "localhost")

example: var res = await Authentication.Login("operator", "operator", "");

// Gets UserId object 
public static Models.Com.Common.IUserId GetComServiceUserId()


IActiveAlarms AlarmRequest = new IActiveAlarms();
AlarmRequest.IUserId = Authentication.GetComServiceUserId();
AlarmRequest.NumberOfItems = 0; //No Limit

var resultackalarm = await XserverIoTConnectivityInterface.RestClientPOST("/com/alarms/getactivealarms", ServiceName.Com, AlarmRequest);

Services methods:

/// Gets Data service status
public static async Task<ResultStatus> DataIsInitialized()

/// Gets Com service status   
public static async Task<ResultStatus> ComIsInitialized()

/// Gets Core service status    
public static async Task<ResultStatus> CoreIsInitialized()



//Project Information (Project name, Namespace, IoT Device name, Installer company, Description, Creation & Modification date)
public static SystemDB.Model.ProjectInfo MyProject { get; internal set; } = new SystemDB.Model.ProjectInfo();


// Gets my project information  
public static async Task<Result> GetProjectInfo()

RestAPI methods (for Data, Com, Core services):

Use Xserver.IoT.Connectivity.Interface class REST API methods.

public static async Task<IO.RestClient.RestClient.Result> RestClientGET(string RequestUri, ServiceName Service)

public static async Task<IO.RestClient.RestClient.Result> RestClientPOST(string RequestUri, ServiceName Service, object objectcontent)

public static async Task<IO.RestClient.RestClient.Result> RestClientPOSTAuthObj(string RequestUri, ServiceName Service, object SerializeObject)

More technical details are in the Xserver.IoT.Connectivity.Interface documentation.

RestAPI methods for External services:


/// Authentication Username
public string Username { get; set; }
/// Authentication Password
public string Password { get; set; }
/// Relative or absolute Uri
public string uriString { get; set; } 
/// Connection close (Default value = true)
public bool ConnectionClose { get; set; }


/// Initialize RestClient
public void RestClientInitialize()

/// Send a GET request.
public async Task<Result> RestClientGET(string RequestURI)

/// Send a PUT request.
public async Task<Result> RestClientPUT(string RequestURI, object objectcontent)

/// Send a POST request.
public async Task<Result> RestClientPOST(string RequestURI, object objectcontent)

Realtime objects and methods:

public List<ISourceInfo> ListOfSources { get; internal set; }
public List<ISourceQuantitiesInfo> ListOfQuantities { get; internal set; }

//Uploads ListOfSources and ListOfQuantities objects from Xserver.Com service
public async Task<Result> GetSourcesQuantities()

//Gets SourceId and QuantityId (error return value null)
public QuantityInfo GetIds(string SourceName, string QuantityName)

//Gets Source properties (if error or SourceId is missing return null)   
public async Task<Source> GetSourceProperties (Int16 SourceId)

//Gets TemplateDevice properties (if error or TemplateDeviceId is missing return null)    
public async Task<TemplateDevice> GetTemplateDeviceProperties(int TemplateDeviceId)

//Gets TemplateDevice quantities properties (if error or TemplateDeviceId is missing return null)    
public async Task<List<TemplateQuantity>> GetTemplateDeviceQuantitiesProperties(int TemplateDeviceId)

//Gets value of the quantity of the Source (error return value null)
public async Task<QuantityValueItem> GetValue(string SourceName, string QuantityName)

//Gets values of the quantities of the Sources (error return value null)
public async Task<List<QuantityValueItem>> GetValues(List<QuantitiesRequestItem> QuantitiesRequestList)

//Writes value of the quantity of the Source (error return value null)
public async Task<QuantityWriteResult> WriteValue(string SourceName, string QuantityName, double WriteValue)

/// Adds new values to PeriodLog
public async Task<Result> PeriodicLogAddNewValues(List<LogItem> LogItems)

/// Adds new values to DifferenceLog    
public async Task<Result> DifferenceLogAddNewValues(List<EventItem> LogItems)

EventLogging methods (changed from 10.3.2):

//Adds a new event into the Onboard EventLog
public static async Task<bool> AddLogMessage(MessageType MessageType, string Message)

HttpRestServerService methods:

/// If true then REST HTTP server is running
public bool IsStartHttpServer { get; set; }

/// Start and Initialize Http server
public async Task<IO.SimpleHttpServer.Result> HttpRESTServerStart()

/// Stop Http server   
public async Task<IO.SimpleHttpServer.Result> HttpRESTServerStop()

/// Send response to client 
public async Task<IO.SimpleHttpServer.Result> ServerResponse(HTTPStatusCodes HTTPStatus, Windows.Storage.Streams.IOutputStream OStream, string SendData)

OnboardTask methods:

/// Gets Onboard Task config    
public static async Task<Result> GetConfig()

/// Gets Onboard Task properties
public static async Task<Result> GetProperties()
/// Saves new onboard task config to Onboard Storage
public static async Task<Result> SaveConfig(string NewConfig)

/// Saves new onboard task properties to Onboard Storage
public static async Task<Result> SaveProperties(string NewProperties)

DeviceTwin methods:

/// Gets Desired properties of Device Twin
public static async Task<ResultDesiredProperties> GetDesiredProperties()

/// Gets Reported properties of Device Twin
public static async Task<ResultReportedProperties> GetReportedProperties()

/// Saves new ReportedProperties
public static async Task<Result> SaveReportedProperties(List<DeviceTwinProperty> NewReportedProperties)

Blob storage methods:

/// Get BlobStorage connection info
public static async Task<ResultBlobStorage> GetConnectionInfo()

SQLInfo methods:

/// Get SQL server connection info
public static async Task<ResultSQL> GetConnectionInfo()

Serial Port methods:

/// Gets Serial Port settings  
public static async Task<ResultSerialPortSettings> GetSettings()