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Xserver.IoT REST API interface documentation

Service ports:

ComPort - 8001
DataPort - 8002
CorePort - 8003
OnboardTaskPort - 8006

Authentication info:

* Necessary to use UserName and Password
** Necessary to use only UserName

HTTP Response:

200 OK
404 Not Found
401 Unauthorized (Service or User authorization error)

Xserver.Com API reference:

Xserver.Com manages real-time communication to the field devices.

    Gets information about Xserver.Com service status.
    URI: /com/status
    Method: GET
    Response: ServiceStatus object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK

    Gets Xserver.Com service settings.
    URI: /com/settings
    Method: GET
    Response: ComServiceSettings object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK

    Gets list of groups (if response Not_Found then the list of the groups is empty)
    URI: /com/getgroups
    Method: GET
    Response: List<Group> object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK (content is null if SourceGroup or SourceGroup.GroupsList object is null)

    Gets tags of all groups
    URI: /com/getallgroupstags
    Method: GET
    Response: List<string> object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK (content is null if SourceGroup or SourceGroup.GroupsList object is null)

    Gets Groups by filter (Search in Tag of the Group)
    URI: /com/getgroupssbyfilter
    Method: POST
    Request: List<string> (Filters)
    Response: List<Group> object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 404 Not Found (request is null)

    Gets list of sources (The list is included SourceId, SourceName, Tag and GroupSettings)
    URI: /com/getsources
    Method: GET
    Response: List<ISourceInfo> object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK

    Gets list of quantites of sources (The list is included SourceId, SourceName and Quantites properties: QuantityId, QuantityName, QuantityTypeId, QuantityTypeName, Unit)
    URI: /com/getquantitesofsources
    Method: GET
    Response: List<ISourceQuantitiesInfo> object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK

    Gets list of quantites of one source (The result is included SourceId, SourceName and Quantites properties: QuantityId, QuantityName, QuantityTypeId, QuantityTypeName, Unit)
    URI: /com/getquantitesofsource
    Method: POST
    Request: ISource (Use only the SourceId)
    Response: ISourceQuantitiesInfo object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK (content is null if not found), 404 Not Found (request is null)

    Gets Sources by filter (Search in Tag of the Source)
    URI: /com/getsourcesbyfilter
    Method: POST
    Request: List<string> (Filters)
    Response: List<ISourceInfo> object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 404 Not Found (request is null)

    Gets list of sources of one group (The result is included GroupId, GroupName and Group of Source properties: SourceId, IfMissing, Multiplier)
    URI: /com/getgroupsources
    Method: POST
    Request: Group (Use only the Id)
    Response: IGroupInfo object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK (content is null not found Group)

    Gets tags of all Sources
    URI: /com/getallsourcestags
    Method: GET
    Response: List<string> object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK

    Gets list of quantities value of group
    URI: /com/realtime/getgroupquantitiesvalues
    Method: POST
    Request: List<QuantityRequestItem>
    Response: List<GroupQuantitiesValueItem>
    HTTP status code: 200 OK (content is null if not found Sources), 404 Not Found (Request is null or empty)

    Gets list of quantities value of Sources
    URI: /com/realtime/getsourcequantitiesvalues
    Method: POST
    Request: List<QuantityRequestItem>
    Response: List<QuantityValueItem>
    HTTP status code: 200 OK (content is null if not found Sources), 404 Not Found (Request is null or empty)

    *Writes quantity value of Source
    URI: /com/realtime/writesourcequantityvalue
    Method: POST
    Request: IAuthorizedObject (SerializedObject property is ISourceQuantityWrite)
    Response: QuantityWriteResult
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 401 Unauthorized (Username or Password is failed or user group hasn't control privilege (CanControl)), 404 Not Found (AuthorizedObj or SerializedObject is null)
    ** Gets Active alarms (Alarmgroups of user)
    URI: /com/alarms/getactivealarms
    Method: POST
    Request: IActiveAlarms (Use only UserId.UserName and NumberOfItems parameters)
    Response: IActiveAlarmResponse 
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 401 Unauthorized (Username is failed), 404 Not Found (Request is null)

    Gets all of Active alarms statistic
    URI: /com/alarms/getallactivealarmsstatistic
    Method: GET
    Response: AlarmList.AlarmsStatistic
    HTTP status code: 200 OK

    ** Gets Active alarms of Source (Alarmgroups of user)
    URI: /com/alarms/getsourceactivealarms
    Method: POST
    Request: ISourceActiveAlarms (Use only UserId.UserName and SourceId parameters)
    Response: IActiveAlarmResponse 
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 401 Unauthorized (Username is failed), 404 Not Found (Request is null)

    ** Gets Filtered Active alarms (Search in tag of source)
    URI: /com/alarms/getactivealarmsbyfilters
    Method: POST
    Request: IFilteredActiveAlarm (Use only UserId.UserName and Filters parameters)
    Response: IActiveAlarmResponse 
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 401 Unauthorized (Username is failed), 404 Not Found (Request is null)

Xserver.Data API reference:

Xserver.Data service manages settings and onboard storage.

    Gets ServiceStatus object
    URI: /data/status
    Method: GET
    Response: ServiceStatus object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK

    *Update Storage
    URI: /data/system/updatestoragedata
    Method: POST
    Request IAuthorizedObject and IStorage (Used properties: Identify, Name, Id) object
    Response: IResult object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 401 Unauthorized (Username or Password is failed), 404 Not Found (Request is null or empty)

    *Change Storage access properties
    URI: /data/system/changestorageaccess
    Method: POST
    Request IAuthorizedObject and IStorage (Used properties: Identify, Name, Id, AccessType, AccessNames) object
    Response: IResult object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 401 Unauthorized (Username or Password is failed), 404 Not Found (Request is null or empty)

    *Change the Name of the Storage
    URI: /data/system/changestoragename
    Method: POST
    Request IAuthorizedObject and IStorageNewName object
    Response: IResult object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 401 Unauthorized (Username or Password is failed), 404 Not Found (Request is null or empty)

    *Add Storage
    URI: /data/system/addstorage
    Method: POST
    Request IAuthorizedObject and IStorage object
    Response: IResult object and int (StorageId) SerializedObject
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 401 Unauthorized (Username or Password is failed), 404 Not Found (Request is null or empty)

    *Get Storage
    URI: /data/system/getstorage
    Method: POST
    Request IAuthorizedObject and IStorage (Used properties: Identify, Name, Id) object
    Response: IResult object Storage SerializedObject
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 401 Unauthorized (Username or Password is failed), 404 Not Found (Request is null or empty)

    *Get Storage by DataType
    URI: /data/system/getstorageslistbydatatype
    Method: POST
    Request IAuthorizedObject and IStorage (Used properties: DataType - if DataType value is null, empty or '*' get back all of storages) object
    Response: IResult object List<IStorageInfo> SerializedObject
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 401 Unauthorized (Username or Password is failed), 404 Not Found (Request is null or empty)

    *Search Storage(s)
    URI: /data/system/searchstorage
    Method: POST
    Request IAuthorizedObject and ISearchStorage object
    Response: IResult object List<IStorageInfo> SerializedObject
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 401 Unauthorized (Username or Password is failed), 404 Not Found (Request is null or empty)

    *Get all Storages (administrator privilege necessary)
    URI: /data/system/getallstorageslistforadmin
    Method: POST
    Request IAuthorizedObject object
    Response: IResult object List<IStorageInfo> SerializedObject
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 401 Unauthorized (Username or Password is failed), 404 Not Found (Request is null or empty)

    *Remove Storage
    URI: /data/system/removestorage
    Method: POST
    Request IAuthorizedObject and IStorage (Used properties: Identify, Name, Id) object
    Response: IResult object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 401 Unauthorized (Username or Password is failed), 404 Not Found (Request is null or empty)

    *Copy the Storage
    URI: /data/system/copystorage
    Method: POST
    Request IAuthorizedObject and IStorageNewName object
    Response: IResult object and int (StorageId) SerializedObject
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 401 Unauthorized (Username or Password is failed), 404 Not Found (Request is null or empty)

    *Remove all Storages without the System accesstype of Storages (administrator privilege necessary)
    URI: /data/system/removeallstoragesforadmin
    Method: POST
    Request IAuthorizedObject object
    Response: IResult object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 401 Unauthorized (Username or Password is failed), 404 Not Found (Request is null or empty)

    Gets information about Project (IoT Server instalation place, installer, etc.)
    URI: /data/getprojectinfo
    Method: GET
    Response: SystemDB.Model.ProjectInfo object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 404 Not Found (table is empty)

Xserver.Core API reference:

Core service manages the system functions.

    Gets information about Xserver.Core service status.
    URI: /core/status
    Method: GET
    Response: ServiceStatus object
    HTTP status code: 200 OK
    Ping command (The ping command helps determine TCP/IP networks IP address)
    URI: /core/network/ping
    Method: POST
    Request: string object
    Response: null
    HTTP status code: 200 OK, 404 Not Found (Request is null or empty, command is not successful