Welcome to the Java Data Structures & OOPs repository! π This repository is a comprehensive collection of Java fundamentals, covering everything from basic syntax to advanced data structures and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts. Each topic includes well-structured programs and in-depth explanations, along with personally curated reference links for further understanding.
Introduction to Java
Data Types & Variables
Type Casting
Control Flow Statements (if-else, switch, loops)
Functions & Methods
Exception Handling
Input/Output in Java
Classes & Objects
Static & Final Keywords
Anonymous & Nested Classes
Java Collections Framework (List, Set, Map, Queue)
Arrays & Strings
Linked Lists (Singly, Doubly, Circular)
Stack & Queue (Using Array and Linked List)
Trees (Binary Tree, BST, AVL Tree)
Graphs (DFS, BFS, Adjacency List & Matrix)
Hashing Techniques
Sorting Algorithms (Bubble, Selection, Insertion, Merge, Quick, Heap Sort)
Searching Algorithms (Linear, Binary Search)
Dynamic Programming
Here are some personally curated references to help you dive deeper into Java programming:
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git clone https://github.com/JaspreetSingh-exe/Java-DataStructure.git
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Happy Coding! π―